Title Details

Remembering Rain

In the face of the worst drought on record, the people of the bush are being forced to question the very viability of farming in the driest inhabited continent on earth.
Year : 2005 | Total Duration : 55 Minutes | Producer : Megan McMurchy, Mandy Chang
Director : Mandy Chang |
A drought-stricken property east of Condobolin. Alister Turner picking up soil in his hands. Auctioneer and bidders at an outback livestock sale. Cattle dog on verandah. Cattle in stockyard.
Cattle truck on an outback road. Cattle truck on outback road. Cinematographer Allan Collin, on bonnet of four-wheel drive vehicle filming a farmer. Clouds above a low dam in the country. Cow in stockyard.
Cow in stockyard. Cracked earth in outback Queensland. Director/Producer Mandy Chang with goat. Director/Producer Mandy Chang. Dogs sit in bak of ute, Ward family property.
DOP Allan Collins in outback. Farmer Alister Turner holding soil in his hands. Farmer Alister Turner holding soil in his hands. Farmer Alister Turner holding soil in his hands. Farmer Alister Turner holding soil in his hands.
Farmer Alister Turner looking towards the sky. Farmer Danni Ward at her property. Farmer Luke Douglas looking towards the sky. Farmer Mark Ward droving cattle. Farmer Mark Ward moving his cattle out of yards.
Farmer Mark Ward sitting on his farm. Farmer Mark Ward. Farmer Mark Ward. Farmer Mark Ward. Farmer Paddy Quin standing on his farm
Farmer Peter Douglas at a windmill on his drought-stricken property. Farmers Danni and Mark Ward on their property. Farmers inspecting equipment at a station clearing sale. Farmers Mark and Danni Ward on their property. Farmers Mark and Danni Ward on their property.
Farming land around Condobolin. Fence made from old logs. Film Director/Producer Mandy Chang with camera in outback. Hands holding soil. Hat serves as makeshift drinking bowl for farmer Mark Wards dogs.
Jack Russell terrier and a Kelpie chained to back of truck (ute). Jack Russell terrier chained to back of truck (ute). L-R sound recordist Leo Sullivan, Assistant Micah Walker and DOP Paul Ree or Peter Coleman or Simon Smith in outback. Mark Ward contemplates leaving the land. Mark Ward with his father-in-law Ross Berry, on their cattle station.
Outback landscape. Outback rocky landscape. Remembering Rain director Mandy Chang (right) and crew setting up a shot. L-R: Farmer Phil Harding, cinematographer Allan Collins and camera assistant Michael Walker. Roof of an outback house. Rusty vehicle in outback country scene.
Sign above an outback garage. Sign above an outback garage. Silhouette of farmer Mark Ward on his property. Silhouette of farmer Mark Ward. Silhouette of farmer Mark Ward.
Train approaching Yaraka railway station. Train travelling through outback. Train travelling through outback. Tree and cattle in outback landscape. Tree in outback landscape.
Tree in outback landscape. Tree in outback landscape. Tree in outback landscape. Ultralight aeroplane on outback runway. Welcome sign for the outback town of Yaraka.
Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas. Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas. Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas. Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas. Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas.
Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas. Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas. Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas. Windmill on the property of farmer Peter Douglas.
GS farmer Peter Douglas squatting in empty paddock with LS windmill in background talking to camera about the drought. WS blue sky with puffy white clouds, barren paddocks and CU blades from windmill in foreground. WS with windmill in full. Good WS sheep in dusty paddock. Tilt to shaft of sunlight and farmer Mark Ward looking up to sky. CU to his face. Tilt to time-lapse wispy clouds across blue sky. Good time-lapse WS of puffy white clouds casting shadows over red outback landscape with sparse scrub. WS dark clouds in late afternoon sky over silos. Voice-over from locals talking about life in drought conditions. Opening title.
Access No. 142388 | 1 min 58 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Travelling shot across yellow ochre dirt of Burthong Station following dust trail left by ute driving under blue sky. Aerial over ute across dirt with voice-over of ABC Radio weather report. Aerial view of long dust trail left by ute.
Access No. 142422 | 28 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA/ABC Radio | Colour |
MS farmer Mark Ward driving seen from passenger side of car and travelling shots of passing countryside with patches of vegetation and dog howling in back of ute reflected in rear vision mirror. Aerial track of four brumbies galloping alongside ute over dusty paddocks. MS interview with Mark and Danni Ward about their history of drought on their property. Good shot of dust being kicked up from back of travelling vehicle shot from back of ute. MS then aerial of Mark driving on dirt road. Aerial over farm buildings. WS truck carrying bales of hay and MS Danni with truck driver fixing paperwork.
Access No. 142423 | 1 min 40 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Aerial track of cattle over dusty paddocks. MS farmer Mark Ward rounding up cattle in his ute. VS Mark getting out of ute cabin and onto tray throwing bales of hay off to cattle as ute rolls forward. Voice-over of him relating time when he twisted ankle in doing so. GS of cattle eating feed behind ute. GS Mark standing and wife Danni on horseback talking to camera. Aerials of cattle running to feed dumped by ute. MS interview with Mark and Danni. Aerial track over gold coloured ploughed dirt fields with dirt road winding through then aerials with scattered trees casting long shadows. CU interviews with shearer Alister Turner then farmer Paddy Quin talking about the downfalls in working the land.
Access No. 142424 | 2 mins 59 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU interviews with farmer Danni Ward then grazier Peter Douglas talking about sustainability of farming. tilt to sunlight. High angle tilt to Alister Turner sitting on metal cattle pen fence and WS of his New Start Station near Condobolin. CU interview with Turner talking about his experience of growing up on a farm. GS Turner and his partner Heather walking away from fence. VS sheep in shearing shed. VS Turner dragging sheep into position and shearing it before pushing it down shute. WS shearing shed exterior and MS Turner standing in doorway. Tilt to scattered clouds across blue sky. GS Turner reversing tractor, inspecting plough and MS talking to camera about his survival strategies. MS Turner squatting and picking up handful of dirt to show camera. Tilt to sunlight in clouds.
Access No. 142425 | 3 mins 8 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage "Breaking of the Drought" showing man standing to drive horse-drawn plough with flock of sheep following and men chopping down small tree which sheep proceed to eat.
Access No. 142426 | 12 secs | 1910s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
GS interview with retired grazier Rob Bolton standing in bare field, MS interview with retired drover Jim O'Connor and with retired grazier Theo Wade all talking about the cyclical nature of farming.
Access No. 142427 | 23 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival photograph of horse pulling plough and WS of sheep feeding from trough.
Access No. 142428 | 7 secs | 1940s | NSW, Australia | © State Library of NSW | B&W |
MS interviews with Rob Bolton and Theo Wade talking dry years past. WS cattle on dry ground of Belvedere Station with dust rising on horizon. Ute driving across yard and interior shot of sheep in pen. MS interview with Alister Turner talking about his friend Paddy and family. VS Paddy, his Filipino wife and four children and Paddy commenting to camera on dry conditions. GS Paddy by sheep pen winding old generator. CU corrugated iron vibrating and MS sheep in pen. VS Paddy and his young sons wrestling sheep in shed and shearers catching them to shear. VS men shearing sheep. WS shearer throwing fleece on table and CU of bits of fleece hanging from wire.
Access No. 142429 | 2 mins 36 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival still "Drought in the Wimmera, Victoria" showing showing woman and young daughter walking in windstorm with scarves across their mouths.
Access No. 142430 | 3 secs | 1940s | NSW, Australia | © State Library of Victoria | B&W |
VS men shearing sheep in shed and CUs to belt drive of shearing machinery slipping. Paddy Quin making joke about equipment and MS of shearers laughing. MS interview with shearer Alister Turner referring to "bush mechanics" in operation. CUs Paddy fixing equipment. GS shearers watching. WS sheep past gate and VS Paddy counting them as enter corral, some leaping in air. Interview with Alister talking about Paddy's durability.
Access No. 142431 | 1 min 43 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interview with Mark and Danni Ward talking about Paddy Quin and telling stories of him with his voice-over over footage of Quin with his brother John chipping ice, his children and having a smoko with his shearers. GS Danni Ward holding child and VS wine being poured, writing cheques for the shearers and drinking beer. Voice-over of Alister Turner talking about the relationship between the farmers and the shearers.
Access No. 142432 | 1 min 8 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS golden paddocks seen through trees in late afternoon light. Track over dirt road through flat dry countryside. High angle track following Mark Ward driving ute with two border collies in back tray. Zoom out then CU to Mark driving and talking about the difference in the land to when he and Danni first bought it. Dry red dirt landscape seen from car. Tilt from sun down to farmhouse. MS interview with Danni talking about her dislike of the house. Views of the property from windows. VS Danni outside showing red dirt where garden used to flourish. GS dogs and water tank. MS Mark driving over dirt to remains of cattle scattered under tree. CU Danni talking about the stress the drought has caused in their lives. Mark also talking about the stress.
Access No. 142433 | 4 mins 30 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Track from car travelling over red dirt towards windmill and tank at Wilkerboon. CU Mark Ward's hand on gears of ute and GS Mark getting out of car and walking around while talking to camera about the drought. Fade to sun in sky and GS shadow of windmill on ground. WS tilt from top of windmill of Mark climbing down. GS interview with grazier Peter Douglas squatting on ground talking to camera about the need to be realistic about the drought. MS interview with farmer Paddy Quin about drought. CU interview with horse trainer Rodney Robb talking about lack of government assistance in his profession. CU interview with Alister Turner about government assistance.
Access No. 142434 | 1 min 50 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS livestock truck at Narromine and MS sheep and Mark Ward climbing amongst them in back of truck. WS Alister and Heather Turner sitting on sheep pens and slow-motion MS of sheep exiting chute. GS sheep in chute. MS buyers at sheep sale sitting on fence of pens. Good CUs of sheep. VS buyers at sale. Voice-over then MS of Alister Turner talking about feelings surrounding the sale. VS of auction showing auctioneer and bidders gesturing. Overlay on screen of bids on sheep showing Alister's bids against those of butchers. MS of Alister and Heather during bidding and interviewed afterwards. Man locking gate on sheep pen after auction.
Access No. 142435 | 3 mins 3 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS orange sunset sky with countryside silhouetted and birds flying across screen. WS ute pulling up to property and Mark Ward and dog getting out. VS Danni Ward using stick on map to point out surrounding properties for sale.
Access No. 142436 | 37 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS Mark Ward and his son sitting on lounge shot from behind watching live ABC TV weather report on 23/5/2005. Brief shots of screen and CUs of Danni Ward using pencil to point out properties for sale on a map with their station shaded.
Access No. 142437 | 39 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © ABC Content Sales/NFSA | Colour |
WS exterior of farmhouse at night. Good WS landscape with LS to sun setting behind long low clouds. GS spokes from farm machinery set against sunset. WS Kimaculla station clearing sale. VS people arriving at sale and shots of people walking in slow-motion. VS farmers and their neighbours gathering informally. MS interview with older farmer and GS group of stock and station agents in pink shirts gathered at sheep pen. MS interview with agent Paul Sydenham talking about proliferation of clearance sales. VS at start of auction with auctioneer calling start and VS bidders gathered. CU interview with Mark Ward and voice-over from Danni Ward. CUs of sheep and MS auctioneer making speech. Start of auction.
Access No. 142438 | 2 mins 27 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interviews with farmers George Harley and George Isbester at Kimaculla station clearing sale commenting on lack of rain and MS Mark Ward and friend. GS auction crowds including Heather Kowald with child and stroller. MS Alister Turner and John Cashman standing by plough. GS women laying out food on tables in shed and CUs of women making sandwiches with Pat Hurley and woman chatting about their sadness at seeing people leave their farms because of the drought. MS with farmer Pat Hurley. VS people at auction and MS Mark and Danni Ward talking about young man who had just sold his dog at auction. CU to dog on lead. MS Auctioneer closing auction and GS dogs on back of ute.
Access No. 142439 | 1 min 26 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS Mark and Danni Ward loading ute and leaving Kimaculla clearance sale with other utes all raising red dust. MS Alister Turner talking to camera about wool table outside shearing shed picked up at auction. MS Mark and Danni loading trough into ute. MS interview with them and Mark loading exercise bike into ute. Good slow pan across cracked parched earth of dried up dam on Alister and Heather's station. GS Alister walking towards camera and WS of landscape with centre of dried up dam. WS tractor in paddock. WS Alister and Heather in dry paddock as red dust blows in foreground and pan of landscape seen through heat haze. CU Alister talking about need for rain.
Access No. 142440 | 2 mins 25 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU to creek cascading over rocks. CU water rushing over sedges and GS creek flowing. CU track over shallow water over rocks. CU interview with water ecologist Peter Andrews talking about our contribution to the drought. CU to dead sheep on dry earth. MS interview with Danni and Mark Ward reminiscing about past water levels in local rivers. WS horses on green pastures of Peter Andrew's Barramul Horse Stud in the Hunter Valley which he is aiming at drought-proofing. MS interviews with Paddy Quin sitting in tree and Mark Ward on station talking about viability of livestock and crops in the area in the future. Good WS of low rows of crops against grey cloudy sky. GS Andrews cutting grasses with scythe and WS of him reflected in water. MS Andrews talking about realistic management and WS horses galloping over green field being herded by ute.
Access No. 142441 | 2 mins 9 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Good WS bird silhouetted against branch against orange sunset sky. WS Danni Ward in her kitchen and VS Mark Ward tending his racehorses in yard. Voice-over of Danni talking about the joy Mark derives from his horses. CUs of Mark saddling horse and GS of him riding in late afternoon light. Good WS of dramatic sunset with gold light lining clouds and glowing sun rising through them. Low angle shot of horses leaving metal starting gates at race. GS Mark galloping through bush intercut with horse race footage with jockeys in colourful silks. WS of finish of race and horses' hoofs through sandy ground. VS Mark hosing down horse outside shed. WS start of Condobolin Picnic Races. WS spectators and CU race caller looking from mounted binoculars.
Access No. 142442 | 2 mins 26 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS Mark Ward with Paddy wife Danni and friend Paddy Quin at stables preparing for race at Condobolin Picnic Races. MS interview with Danni. MS Mark having talk with jockey. VS of bookies taking money and men at board. MS Paddy and Alister Turner drinking beer and VS spectators before race. MS three women in hats. MS Danni placing bet with bookie. WS horses and jockeys trotting past camera. MS Mark placing bets. MS Paul Sydenham in white Akubra with friend. WS woman leading horse. VS jockeys mounting their horses. MS personality Shannon Noll greeting Mark. WS horses entering starting gates seen through heat haze. Low angle shot of horses at gates and CU of Mark and Paddy at fence.
Access No. 142443 | 2 mins 42 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS Heather Kowald and Alister Turner at sidelines at start of race and WS men at starting gates. VS horse race and WS from race caller's stand. Zoom out to caller looking through binoculars. CU interview with Alister talking about being cautious with gambling. MS Mark Ward holding can of beer watching race. WS horses racing towards camera. VS spectators along fence. Spectators at end of race. MS Alister tearing up ticket. GS Mark gesturing to camera as he drives off in his ute with dog in the tray and pulling horse float. MS interview with Danni Ward outside the farmhouse talking about her difficulties to do with the drought. Good WS of cows across yellow crops in paddock and hills in distance. WS Mark driving up to house towing caravan. MS interview with his discussing his decision to head north with the cattle alone.
Access No. 142444 | 2 mins 23 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interview with Danni Ward about the decision to offload many assets due to the drought. Good WS of Mark Ward in shed with sheep in soft light. Low angle shot of Danni unloading groceries. WS Mark walking across property and MS interview with him talking about being in debt and worrying about the banks. WS Danni and Mark herding cattle with some footage shot in soft focus. WS cattle across plain. MS Mark riding amongst cattle with voice-over of him talking about the feeling of freedom and control that droving gives him. MS interviews with Alister Turner and Paddy Quin. WS Peter Douglas squatting in bare paddock with windmill in background talking to camera about the elements needed to succeed in farming.
Access No. 142445 | 2 mins 55 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Good WS of time-lapse pink moon rising. WS farmhouse lit up at night. VS Danni and Mark Ward sitting at kitchen table at night discussing their options. LS to them sitting at table seen from outside with dog watching them from outside screen door. WS silhouetted trees against sun setting in blue sky. WS road trains in dust carrying livestock through countryside. Good CU trio of dogs in profile. GS cattle trucks backing up to pens. CU cattle walking along ramp into truck. MS interview with Danni talking about the relief of finding somewhere for the cattle to go and Mark's imminent departure. VS Mark at cattle pen. MS interview with Mark about Danni's feelings. MS Mark and Danni covered in dust.
Access No. 142446 | 3 mins 54 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS loading of cattle continuing into dusk and gold sunset. CU Mark and Danni Ward recording cattle being loaded looking tired and covered in dust. CU interview with Danni talking about the stress of their situation. CUs cattle and pen and CU lone calf. Pan from golden sun setting casting long rays over land to long cattle truck. MS interview with Mark Ward talking about wanting to keep trying to make living on the land work. WS cattle truck leaving at night. GS Danni and Mark watching the cattle go and leaving in dusk light.
Access No. 142447 | 3 mins 21 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Closing credits over details of painting "Remembering Rain" by Angus Nivison. Voice-overs of people talking about rain.
Access No. 142448 | 1 min 50 secs | 2000s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |