Title Details


A look at how grazier Max Russell is affected by drought and copes by sending his sheep out with drovers.
Series : Australian Diary | Episode : 132 | Year : 1968 | Total Duration : 3.5 Minutes |
Grazier Max Russell affected by drought. VS around farm during drought, CUs cracked earth, dead & dying sheep , felling trees for food. Dried up dam, water brought in by truck, young boy drinking from canvas sack on verandah. Russell on telephone, sheep moved to new pastures by drovers. Good shots woman feeding chickens outside caravan, woman stirring washing in large pot over trivet on campfire, hanging out washing, dog, man hammering fence. Good shot flock of healthy sheep.
Access No. 39711 | 3 mins 20 secs | 1960s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |