Title Details

Fully Ordained Meat Pie, The

A challenging and provocative documentary dealing with one of the most controversial issues in the Christian community: the attitude of the Church towards the ordination of women as priests.
Year : 1988 | Total Duration : 53 Minutes | Producer : Janet Bell
Director : Gillian Coote |
Sculpture of Female Christ by Mark Weichard - crucifix sculpture hanging from ceiling. Shadow of cross on wall pan to VS of sculpture.
Access No. 130444 | 41 secs | 1980s | © NFSA | Colour |
Interview Father Ian Herring of the Anglican Church. Interview with Rev Bruce Ballantine - Jones about the ordination of women as priests.
Access No. 130445 | 39 secs | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across Sculpture of Female Christ by Mark Weichard . CU on detail of sculpture - crown of nails in wood. LS of sculpture hanging from ceiling in church. Titles.
Access No. 130446 | 42 secs | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Line of choir boys and priests moving into church.Women singing, CU on Pat Brennan singing, CU of judge in wig in procession. CU on box with sign, women . Anglican General Synod, August, 1987
Access No. 130447 | 47 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Three women outside St Andrews House, Sydney Square, taking photographs.
Access No. 130448 | 11 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle shots of various priests speaking at lecturn about ordination of women as priests at the Anglican General Synod, August, 1987. View of audience of women in gallery.
Access No. 130449 | 29 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Low angle shot of St Andrews Cathedral, Sydney. Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women, arguing with BishopHamish. Pat with her arm around Alison Cheek, walk away from camera. Interview with Patricia Brennan. Dr Brennan and her husband and children discussing son's broken glasses. Interview that women have passively received theology from men.
Access No. 130450 | 3 mins 20 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B/W photograph of Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women as a medical student. B/W photograph of a small child as her patient when she was a missionary doctor. B/W photograph of Dr Brennan handing an object to a mother and child.
Access No. 130451 | 26 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Sudan Interior Mission | Colour |
Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women.Three suited men sitting in seats at airport of Women in her home and talking on the phone. Greeting Alison Cheek at the airport. Alison greets Eileen Diesendorf with hug. Women walk away from camera with luggage in airport. General airport terminal shot.
Access No. 130452 | 1 min 37 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Press interview Alison Cheek questioning why she is a priest. Press conference. Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women watches on.
Access No. 130453 | 1 min 45 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women, CU driving car, then sitting at restaurant table with Alison Cheek and Eileen Diesendorf
Access No. 130454 | 55 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B/W archival footage of procession of deacons in Episcopal Church in historic Philadelphia Ordination Ceremony, 1974. Dr Charles Willie address. Women receiving their vows.
Access No. 130455 | 1 min 34 secs | 1970s | USA | © NBC Video Archive | B&W |
Interview with Alison Cheek, female ordained priest. Interview Rev. Bruce Ballantine - Jones aabout his opposition to the proposal to ordain woman to the priesthood. Family scenes in his home, eating dinner
Access No. 130456 | 1 min 11 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of pamphlet ÒSuffering and the Christain ReligionÓ. CU of Raema Ballantine - Jones. Priest, Rev. Bruce Ballantine and parishoners. Rev Ballantine at microphone in church service. Interview with his wife, Raema Ballantine - Jones. Interview Alison Cheek. Interview Suzanne Glover at Ormond College, Melbourne. Suzanne at alter in church. Interview with Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women about her decision to leave the church she had been attending.
Access No. 130457 | 6 mins 58 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW & Melbounre, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU on hand lighting candle, Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women leading prayer in her family. Interview about Sister Angela of Stroud. Greeting with Sister Angela, night shot, women walk into home.Community of St Clare
Access No. 130458 | 1 min 58 secs | 1980s | Stroud, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
LS of stone verandah and women enter small church and sit in pews. Good CU Stained glass window, yellow flowers in bush and corner of building, good WS of green rural mountain landscape, Sister Angela of Stroud walks into shot over hill wearing a brown habit. Good WS of bush covered mountains with roof of house and smoking chimney in F/G. Old timber chairs on stone flagging, black cat jumps off chair. Community of St Clare
Access No. 130459 | 1 min 33 secs | 1980s | Stroud, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Sister Angela of Stroud sitting with two priests at table in kitchen. CU o f Angela carving a cross and interview about the power of women in the church and the vision of the feminine and what part it plays in the church. Community of St Clare
Access No. 130460 | 1 min 51 secs | 1980s | Stroud, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Exterior of old stone building, Ormond College, Melbourne. Audience of women at the Movement for the Ordination of Women Conference being addressed by Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women . Alison Cheek in audience. Rob Brennan in audience and VS of others. Quick shots of building exterior. Woman rehearsing singing the Ordination Blues.
Access No. 130461 | 1 min 40 secs | 1980s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B/W photograph of three men at table, long tables in large hall, Ormond College (?)
Access No. 130462 | 12 secs | 1930s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Movement for the Ordination of Women Conference 1987. Woman and men sitting a long tables in great hall, Ormond College. CU on food, VS of people talking, Alison Cheek addressing audience. CU of man's hands playing the piano. Women rehearsing Ordination Blues. Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women in discussion with other women about the powerlessness of women in the church structure and that the bishops have said they can't expect to be priests until the mid-1990's.
Access No. 130463 | 3 mins 36 secs | 1980s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Anglican Father Ian Herring interview about a true sense of vocation will accept the limitations to oneself. CU on hemline of Rev Herring's cassock and pan up to priest as he puts on his vestments. Rev Herring crosses himself, with incense burner, blessing statue of Virgin Mary. Cross on wall. Alison Cheek puts on cassock, woman walking along with alter wine. CU as Alison ties up cassock, other women arranging religious cloths on lecturn. CU on chalice. VS of Eucharist service led by Alison Cheek and taking communion.
Access No. 130464 | 3 mins 55 secs | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women writes in diary, and turning pages of book, on phone. Interview. Rev Bruce Ballantine - Jones about the ordination of women needing 2/3rds majority of bishops, clergy and lay people to pass. Dr Brennan on the phone, Ballantine - Jones interview. Women in galleryVS of priests in audience looking around at the Anglican General Synod, 1987.
Access No. 130465 | 2 mins 7 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Robert Tong interview about the procedure for the debate in the Anglican General Synod in 1987. VS of women in and speakers including Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women. Male priest speakers at lecturn give their views on the ordination of women as priests. Intercut with VS of women in audience. CU of overhead fan rotating. Interview Rev. Bruce Ballantine - Jones and Alison Cheek. Afternoon tea served outside church. Dr Brennan and her daughter. High angle pan across rows of priests seated at Synod. CU of Dr Brennan and Alison Cheek. Collecting and counting votes from the audience. Cannon Raff announces result of vote.
Access No. 130466 | 6 mins 56 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Distressed women at the announcment of the lost motion for the ordinationof women as priests at the Anglican General Synod, 1987. Women crying in gallery . Women leave gallery singing ÒWe shall be ordained somedayÓ. Night shot of Alison Cheek sleading prayer outside the building where the Synod was held.
Access No. 130467 | 3 mins 57 secs | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Tilt up to high rise office building lit at night. CU of waves breaking. Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women, standing on rock ledge overhanging the sea. VS of waves breaking on rocks, pidgeeons sitting on rocks, and pan tto Dr Brennan walking on rocks. Pan o f rock ledge in open sea or ocean.
Access No. 130468 | 1 min 54 secs | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Five women, one in brown habit walking in bush landscape - they are Dr.Patricia Brennan, National President of the Movement for the Ordination of Women, Alison Cheek, female priest, Sister Angela of Stroud and Eileen Diesendorf. Community of St Clare
Access No. 130469 | 1 min 11 secs | 1980s | Stroud, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |