Title Details

Mantle of Safety, The

The work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service is celebrated in the fifty year anniversary video.
Year : 1986 | Total Duration : 8 Minutes | Producer : Don Murray
Director : Nick Fraser |
Address from The Govenor of NSW, His Excellency Air Marshall Sir James Rowland acknowledging the fifty year anniversary of the Royal Flying Doctor Service
Access No. 131245 | 46 secs | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Man riding a trail bike through the bush. POV of the rider. Bike crashes and man flies off bike into the bush. CU of red emergency button flashing. MS of woman speaking on two way radio. LS of white aircraft landing towards camera on dirt runway in the outback. Lifting patient on stretcher onto plane. Titles. Twin engine plane taking off towards and over camera.
Access No. 131246 | 45 secs | 1980s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Man and woman talks about the importance of the Royal Flying Doctor Service for the remote outback. Aerials over outback landscape, air to air of Royal Flying Doctor Service (NSW) aircraft, twin engine plane.
Access No. 131247 | 15 secs | 1980s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival sepia footage of Royal Flying Doctor Service; patient being lifted into Broken Hill Ambulance, B/W footage of camel team pulling cart towards with RFDS plane. POV of aircraft nose while in flight.
Access No. 131248 | 29 secs | 1930s | Broken Hill, NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
WS of Royal Flying Doctor Service headquarters at Broken Hill. Female boarding RFDS aircraft. Female dentist looking at child's teeth. Aerial of remote outback. Female doctor giving Aboriginal baby a health check while mother looks on. Aerials of Wilcannia township and White Cliffs and Tibooburra. Aerials over the Moomba gasfields. Air to air of RFDS aircraft (twin engine) in flight. CU of female doctor speaking to patient on two-way radio. CU of open medical kit showing various medical supplies.
Access No. 131249 | 1 min 18 secs | 1980s | Broken Hill, Wilcannia, White Cliffs, Tibooburra, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Young blonde haired girl talking on two-way radio and taking part in radio of the air schooling. MS of teacher talking on radio. NSW Royal Flying Doctor Service control room for communications. VS of equipment and radio controllers. POV of pilot as twin engine plane takes off along tarmac. Air to air of RFDS plane. Doctor on aircraft speaking on radio headphones and then attending to patient next to plane on tarmac and then in flight. Aircraft into hangar where maintenance technicians service the plane.
Access No. 131251 | 2 mins 7 secs | 1980s | Broken Hill, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Graphic of a pie chart showing where the funding for the Royal Flying Doctor Service comes from. CU of typewriter keys typing on paper. CU of a pager attached to a man's belt. Radio technicians maintaining radios. Air to air of RDFS aircraft in flight. CU of cockpit dials. Aircraft landing on dirt runway. VS of communications control room. Bulldozers digging out runway with hangar and aircraft in B/G. Twin engine plane aircraft taxiing past hangar and WS of hangar with several planes inside
Access No. 131252 | 1 min 48 secs | 1980s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High shot over a utility car (ute) with injured man riding in the back through Moomba gas fields. CU of flashing red emergency button. CU of older style plastic telephone. Night shot POV plane landing on lit up tarmac. Night shot of aircraft dials lit. Night shot of patient on stretcher being attended by doctor. and then loaded onto plane.
Access No. 131254 | 51 secs | 1980s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Ben Scobie, President of Royal Flying Doctor Service (NSW Section) to camera about the advances in the RFDS and a request for donations from corporate NSW. RFDS insignia / logo
Access No. 131255 | 1 min 1 sec | 1980s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |