Title Details

Pony Club

Describes the organisation of a pony club in a New South Wales pastural district.
Year : 1952 | Total Duration : 21 Minutes | Producer : H M Scales
Rural scenes - cattle, children on horseback. Wild ponies rounded up for horse breaker. Man lassoing horse, children watching from fence. Man strokes horse, rubs blanket over him, lifts legs. Puts on bridle and harness, lunges in circle. Children grooming ponies, picking out hooves, saddling up and mounting horses. Children on way to Pony Club meeting, in horse float. Dogs in back of truck. Ponies inspected. Flag races. Children show jumping. Children sitting on fence. Watching men bringing down pony with ropes and trussed up. Children gather round. Camp ride, swags loaded into open utility. CU contents of swag. Line of children on horseback, move off. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 124969 | 9 mins 26 secs | 1950s | Merriwa, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Ponies through countryside, through river, boy falls into water. Line of horses. Swags unloaded. Children in swimming costumes wash down ponies in river then swim and ride bareback in water, one falls off. Camp fire. Horse eats off boy's plate. Cans buried in ground. Horse stud at Whythin. Stallions Brugal, Whirlaway and Vallone, rearing and boxing with man. Thoroughbred mares and foals rounded into yard. Children walk into pen, pat horses and foals. Children sit on fence and watch young horse being handled by man. Show riding demonstrated by woman. Children's faces. Pony club horses caught and saddled. Sydney Royal Easter Show. Spectators, some in riding clothes, fairground rides. Pony Club team of children on horses. Grand parade and CU's pony club riders. Large crowds. Judges inspect teams and individuals riding. Ribbons being presented. Stockman and daughter herding cattle on horses. Boy and girl handling sheep. Children on ponies jumping fallen log. Children riding. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 124993 | 10 mins 11 secs | 1950s | Merriwa District, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |