Title Details

Our Neighbour, Australia

Australia seen through the eyes of Pakistani students who came to the country under the Colombo Plan to study.
Year : 1953 | Total Duration : 10 Minutes |
Director : Bashir Ahmad Rashi Dhan |
WS ships under Sydney Harbour Bridge. VS Pakistani man watching harbour activity from window whilst smoking. WS railway lines across flat landscape disappearing into distance. Ws homestead and sheep grazing amongst scrub. MS drover on horseback with sheep and picturesque WS countryside.
Access No. 129600 | 1 min 43 secs | 1950s | Sydney, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
CU harvester past camera. MS man with pushing plough across orchard followed by dog. CUs people picking apples and tractor through orchard pulling apple cart. WS pan across hills to snow-capped mountains. WS gums in Snowy Mountains with falling snow. MS waves breaking on rocks.
Access No. 129604 | 34 secs | 1950s | Snowy Mountains, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
High angle shot of hydroelecticity station with water gushing out of pipe. VS dam and release of water. WS and Gs of bushfire and MS aftermath of burnt tree trunks. WS stockmen on horseback herding sheep in dusty landscape. WS barren desert.
Access No. 129605 | 28 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
CU men pouring over plans for land rehabilitation. WS men in field marking land. WS man on plough marking furrows on land and pair planting crops. MS group of surveyors watched by larger group. MS men with rucksacks clambering up hillside and VS earthmoving.
Access No. 129607 | 1 min 14 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Tilt up to men sitting high up on steel girders. High angle shots of train assembly work. MS welders in iron masks. MS to chimney stacks blowing smoke and WS industrial factories. Ground level shots of trucks past industrial area. High angle shot of trains passing on different lines and WS trams in city street. Vs pedestrians and city traffic.
Access No. 129613 | 1 min 6 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS people mailing letters at GPO into several mail chutes. Interior view of conveyor belt carrying parcels towards camera. High angle shot of line of men sorting mail. CU man receiving mail at desk and opening envelope containing booklet on the Colombo Plan. CU to sections of the Plan's Annual Report.
Access No. 129614 | 46 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
VS Colombo Plan exchange students including greeting man at office desk, being shown machinery, MS watching model electric train, learning to teach, animal husbandry, scientific work in pest control, agricultural study, dam engineering, architecture, medicine and surgery etc. Students featured are from various South East Asian countries, of both sexes and various dress (turbans etc.).
Access No. 129615 | 3 mins 28 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |