Title Details


There are over 250,000 problem gamblers in Australia. Cherie and her partner Elvino are two of themÑand they are in big trouble.
Series : Gamblers, The | Episode : 3 | Year : 1998 | Total Duration : 26.5 Minutes | Producer : Stefan Moore
Director : Catherine Marciniak |
Montage of scenes from the series showing various forms of gambling, racing and people and types of reactions. Opening titles. CU hand putting money in poker machine and ECU colourful electronic screen. VS TAB room in a hotel CU to Kino screen and woman's hands processing Tattslotto tickets. Tilt up from magazine advertisements to Lotteries sign on outside of newsagency window.
Access No. 134042 | 42 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Low angle shots of gambling addicts couple Cherie and Elvino decorating a Christmas tree in their home with a teenager looking on. CUs decorations placed over tinsel intercut with CUs interview with Cherie talking about poorer Christmases past. Elvino places star at top of tree and kisses Cherie. WS shopping mall with large Santa Claus mounted on building facade.
Access No. 134043 | 1 min 7 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS Kino screen MS Cherie and Elvino shaking their heads. Elvino retrieving ticket from rubbish bin and going off to play a game. CU Kino computer display and WS Elvino at chemist's Kino counter. VS Elvino and Cherie in shopping centre. MS interview with Elvino about his urge to argue in front of Coles supermarket store. CU to numbers on Kino screen.
Access No. 134044 | 57 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS Christmas tree in living room and MS Cherie and Elvino in kitchen at stove. GS teenage son Michael in bedroom playing video games. Pan to television with game screening. Tilt from hands on controls to Michael's face. MS Cherie and Elvino cooking in kitchen talking to camera about their unnecessary level of debt.
Access No. 134045 | 1 min 14 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU interview with Cherie's teenage son Michael. Track of driving down street POV car past Hotel and CU Cherie in profile driving and talking to camera. Track past hotels with signs on footpaths advertising pokies. WS exterior of Salvation Army Family Support Services. CU pamphlets and MS Cherie being counselled by May Shotton who uses calculator while talking to Cherie about need to pay bills and budget.
Access No. 134046 | 2 mins 1 sec | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS garden and pan to suburban house. CU interview with Cherie talking about Elvino's return to Portugal and CU Elvino outlining plans before Cherie gets upset and leaves the room. WS suburban street at dawn. WS teenager Michael walking past camera into kitchen. MS Cherie in bed with cup of tea talking to camera and crying about draining her son's bank account for gambling intercut with footage of Michael leaving in car with Elvino.
Access No. 134047 | 2 mins 11 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS Santa Claus talking to two young girls in shopping centre and high shot over shoppers with tilt to Kino and Lottery outlet. CU Elvino taking coins from his jeans pocket and VS at counter and in newsagency. CUs Elvino with tickets in hand and looking at coins in his other hand. CU Cherie keying numbers on touch phone and being interviewed while on phone. GS Kino screen in shopping centre and MS Elvino tearing up Kino tickets.
Access No. 134048 | 1 min 30 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU Cherie talking to camera while waiting on phone complaining to camera of having to wait three weeks for another credit card to cover her debts. MS Elvinot shaking his head while looking at Kino screen. VS Cherie being interviewed. CU holding cigarette over ashtray. Tilt down from giant Santa Claus on building exterior to people walking along plaza. WS spruiker in discount store and MS Christmas banner. MS Elvino crossing Adelaide street.
Access No. 134049 | 1 min 30 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Low angle shots of Elvino playing poker machine with CUs machine screen intercut with MS desperate looking Cherie talking to camera about having her credit card application declined and her general debt crisis. CUs Cherie in car counting money and talking to camera about the urge to gamble it away. CU large denomination banknotes fanned in Cherie's hand.
Access No. 134050 | 2 mins 47 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU poker machine screen and various low angle shots of Elvino at machine and talking to camera about how much money he spends. Track along street POV car and CUs Cherie driving and talking to camera. MS counsellor May Shotten talking to Cherie about her accumulated debts. MS Elvino and Cherie in their kitchen making coffee and chatting then Elvino's negative reaction to being told she'd hocked her sewing machine.
Access No. 134051 | 3 mins 12 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU interview with Elvino talking about the things they've pawned and sold. Cherie's son Michael in his room retrieving wallet from under his mattress and interview with Cherie talking about entrusting Michael with money so she doesn't spend it. MS interview with Cherie and Michael with Michael calmly telling of his frustration at all the money wasted on gambling.
Access No. 134052 | 1 min 51 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS Cherie and Elvino in living room having discussion then MS of them discussing Cherie's decision to cease gambling and how to separate their money accordingly. CU Elvino smoking. WS city traffic at dusk. Tilt down from flashing neon ÒwinÓ sign to ÒLots of Luck neon sign and CU lit up Christmas bells sign.
Access No. 134053 | 40 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS suburban house exterior at night and WS pan from Cherie sitting alone in dining room to Elvino alone on bed watching Tattslotto results on television. VS Elvino in front of draw. MS interview with Cherie about what Elvino is going through and CU Elvino screwing up ticket in his hand. CU interview with Cherie where she's hopeful of beating gambling.
Access No. 134054 | 1 min 50 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS pre-Christmas shopping mall with young girl in foreground in elf costume busking on violin. High angle shot over crowds in mall and surrounding buildings. VS Elvino and Cherie in supermarket shopping. MS clothes hanging in wardrobe and MS Cherie taking out dresses she used to go dancing in for camera. CUs Elvino cleaning his shoes. Tilt from photograph of two small children to one one of Elvino and Cherie.
Access No. 134055 | 1 min 26 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS Elvino helping Cherie into dancing dress and WS tilt up to disco lights and mirror ball reflected on ceiling. MS Elvino and Cherie dancing and GS bar activity. GS Elvino's bags on conveyor belt in airport and MS Elvino kissing Cherie goodbye then passing through airport gate carrying large stuffed lion. MS Cherie and son Michael talking to camera.
Access No. 134056 | 1 min 17 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS Elvino boarding aircraft via steps on tarmac. MS Cherie with son Michael watching through airport window. Zoom out from CU Cherie and Michael pulling Christmas bon bon to the two of them seated at table. CU tilt up Christmas tree and CUs interviews with Michael and Cherie. Zoom out as the two of them toasting at Christmas table. j
Access No. 134057 | 1 min 28 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |