Title Details

Dame Roma Mitchell

Dame Roma Mitchell, former Governor of South Australia, was the first Australian woman to be admitted as a Queen's Council and the first woman judge in a State Supreme Court.
Series : Australian Biography Series 2 | Year : 1993 | Total Duration : 26 Minutes | Producer : Frank Heimans
Director : Frank Heimans |
Still b&w photograph, circa 1960s, portrait Dame Roma Mitchell in wig. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about the compliment that she had a man's brain but behaved like a woman.
Access No. 135333 | 25 secs | 1960s, 1990s, | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Dame Roma Mitchell laughing, wearing glasses and hat at opening of Parliament, 1992, super: Dame Roma Mitchell, Born 1913, Lawyer. Dissolve.
Access No. 135343 | 5 secs | 1990s | Australia | © The Advertiser | B&W |
Still b&w photograph, 1960s, Dame Roma Mitchell in judge's wig and black framed glasses. super: First woman QC in Australia, 1962. Dissolve.
Access No. 135344 | 5 secs | 1960s | Australia | © News Ltd | B&W |
Still b&w photograph, 1974, Dame Roma Mitchell with bookcase in B/G, super: First woman judge of a Supreme Court, 1965. Dissolve.
Access No. 135345 | 5 secs | 1960s | Australia | © The Advertiser | B&W |
Still b&w photograph CU Dame Roma Mitchell in wig and large dark framed glasses, super: Chairman, Human Rights Commission, 1981. B&W photo Dame Roma standing in front of Churchill poster, super: President, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, 1988. Dissolve.
Access No. 135346 | 15 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Still b&w photograph Dame Roma Mitchell inspecting guard of honour, super: Governor of South Australia, 1991. Fade to black.
Access No. 135347 | 4 secs | 1990s | Australia | © The Advertiser | B&W |
Rear view people approaching building, possibly part of SA Government House, early evening, VS people from overseas being introduced to and greeted by Governor Dame Roma Mitchell at cocktail function. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about being youngest of three sisters, the eldest dying as an infant.
Access No. 135348 | 47 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Still b&w photograph in oval frame, circa 1914, Dame Roma Mitchell as young child in family portrait with parents and older sister. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about her father, remembering him in uniform, vying for his attention with her sister, being a lawyer although not very enthusiastic about the law, loving country life, being killed in 1918 at the battle of Villiers-Bretagne. Sepia photo, 1916, portrait Dame Roma's father. Interview Dame Roma about family receiving news of her father's death in WWI, effect on family, her mother not marrying again.
Access No. 135349 | 4 mins 18 secs | 1910s, 1990s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | B&W |
Still b&w colour-touched portrait photograph, circa 1921, Dame Roma Mitchell and her sister as young girls. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about being competitive at school.
Access No. 135351 | 16 secs | 1910s, 1990s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | B&W |
Archival colour footage, 1984, tilt up bell tower of convent school St Aloysius College, zoom in to honour board for dux of school showing name Roma Mitchell for 1929 and 1930.
Access No. 135352 | 7 secs | 1980s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © ABC Television | Colour |
Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about attending convent school St Aloysius College from age six to 17, the school having very high academic standards. Still colour photograph, 1920s, Roma as girl saluting in majorette clothes. Interview Dame Roma about always having the single ambition to become a lawyer and barrister. B&W photo, 1920s, portrait Dame Roma as St Aloysius student with hair in plaits. Interview Dame Roma about her perceptions of law as a girl being like a human rights effort.
Access No. 135353 | 1 min 15 secs | 1990s, 1920s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1920s, three girl guides in full uniform, young Dame Roma Mitchell on right. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about playing the role of a defender for students at school. B&W photo, circa 1935, Dame Roma Mitchell and sister Ruth walking outside building. Interview Dame Roma about getting the David Murray scholarship for best achievement at university. Newspaper clipping, 1934, ÒTen New Lawyers Admitted to SA BarÓ with photograph showing lawyers including Dame Roma Mitchell as only female.
Access No. 135354 | 1 min 5 secs | 1920s, 1990s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | Colour |
Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about being one of ten lawyers admitted to the South Australian Bar in 1934, joining the firm Nelligan & Angus Parsons as a managing clerk in February 1935, joking with senior partner Joe Nelligan on each anniversary of her joining. Still b&w photograph, 1934, Dame Roma as barrister seated in wig and gown. Interview Dame Roma about counsel being bound to believe in clients and not confuse task of judge with task of defending counsel, difficulty for barrister if accused admits guilt during case.
Access No. 135355 | 4 mins 48 secs | 1990s, 1930s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1950s, portrait of Dame Roma Mitchell. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about being appointed a Queen's Counsel. Newspaper clipping ÒAdelaide Lawyer Nation's First Woman Q.C.Ó with photograph of Dame Roma Mitchell.
Access No. 135356 | 28 secs | 1950s, 1990s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1962, Dame Roma Mitchell being appointed QC, super: Roma Mitchell appointed Queen's Counsel, Adelaide, 1962, CU Roma in wig smiling, pan audience, pan row of QCs sitting at bench including Roma on end.
Access No. 135386 | 16 secs | 1960s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © ABC Television | B&W |
Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about women not serving on juries in South Australia until after she went onto the supreme Court bench in the 1960s, leading a delegation of the National Council of Women to the premier Sir Thomas Playford.
Access No. 135387 | 1 min | 1990s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Newspaper clipping, 1960s, ÒEquality for women on juries urgedÓ, with photograph of Roma Mitchell QC.
Access No. 135389 | 5 secs | 1960s | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | B&W |
Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about South Australian ministers rejecting proposal that women be allowed to serve on jury in 1960s, Labor government coming in with Don Dunstan as Attorney-General introducing legislation for women to serve on juries.
Access No. 135390 | 59 secs | 1990s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1960s, Don Dunstan as attorney-general wearing wig and smiling. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about Don Dunstan asking her to serve on the bench. B&W photo, 1970s, MS Dame Roma smiling. Interview Dame Roma about saying yes straight away, having doubts about appointment but finding she did enjoy serving on the bench
Access No. 135391 | 46 secs | 1960s, 1990s, | Australia | © News Ltd | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1965, CU Dame Roma Mitchell as judge seated at table wearing wig, glasses on table. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about ability, tenacity and single-mindedness contributing to her success.
Access No. 135392 | 38 secs | 1960s, 1990s, | Australia | © John Fairfax Publications | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, circa 1980s, Dame Roma Mitchell wearing glasses at microphones.
Access No. 135393 | 7 secs | 1980s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about believing men and women sharing same qualities, being out of touch with modern feminism. Still b&w photograph, 1930s, portrait Roma and sister Ruth. Interview Dame Roma about not needing to confide in people over the years, her problems being her own.
Access No. 135394 | 1 min 18 secs | 1990s, 1930s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1990, Dame Roma Mitchell strolling in park, hands in pockets. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about preferring to work out difficulties for herself, learning early that people don't want to be burdened with other people's problems.
Access No. 135396 | 59 secs | 1990s | Australia | © The Advertiser | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1980s, Dame Roma Mitchell with friend, ornate ceiling arch in B/G. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about not lacking confidence, not baulking at her duties.
Access No. 135397 | 54 secs | 1980s, 1990s, | Australia | © News Ltd | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1985, Dame Roma Mitchell as Doctor of Law wearing hat. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about believing her temperament giving her confidence.
Access No. 135398 | 14 secs | 1980s, 1990s, | Australia | © The Advertiser | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, circa 1910s, Dame Roma Mitchell's mother. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about not having a paternal figure or strong male influence in her life, her mother being the one person who most shaped her, her mother dying when Roma was 25. B&W photo, 1938, Dame Roma's mother walking in street wearing hat and coat with purse under arm. Interview Dame Roma about her personal life not being as disciplined as her professional life, valuing her privacy.
Access No. 135399 | 3 mins 19 secs | 1910s, 1990s, | Australia | © Dame Roma Mitchell | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1991, Dame Roma Mitchell sitting at desk at Government House. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell. B&W photo, 1991, Dame Roma standing in front of Government House. Interview Dame Roma talking about governorship being a good retirement occupation.
Access No. 135403 | 17 secs | 1990s | Australia | © The Advertiser | Colour |
Dame Roma Mitchell as Governor of South Australia on tour of hospital, looking at maternity wing. Dissolve.
Access No. 135405 | 32 secs | 1990s | SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1991, Dame Roma Mitchell as Governor of South Australia inspecting guard of honour. B&W photo, 1991, profile Dame Roma writing at desk. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about the governor having to follow the political scene, having executive council meetings every week giving her contact with the ministry, no governor wanting to have to exercise power of dismissal.
Access No. 135406 | 1 min 9 secs | 1990s | Australia | © The Advertiser | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Dame Roma Mitchell in academic dress taking oath before court. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about being privileged in a material sense, feeling concern for people who are materially disadvantaged, her intellect and ability bringing success to her life, having had her own problems, sorrows and disappointments, having been fortunate in having good health.
Access No. 135410 | 1 min 48 secs | 1990s | Australia | © News Ltd | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1990, Dame Roma Mitchell in wig holding document. Interview Dame Roma Mitchell talking about being afraid of rats and mice. Freeze frame.
Access No. 135413 | 17 secs | 1990s | Australia | © The Advertiser | Colour |