Title Details

Franco Belgiorno-Nettis

Franco Belgiorno-Nettis founded Transfield, a company that went on to become a major industrial force in Australia.
Series : Australian Biography Series 2 | Year : 1993 | Total Duration : 26 Minutes | Producer : Frank Heimans, Sharon Connolly (Supervising Producer)
Director : Frank Heimans |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about being in Australia for forty-two years but not feeling Australian. Still b&w photograph, 1980s, Franco and others at art opening. Colour photo, 1980s, Franco wearing academic garb seated in elaborate chair with Honorary Doctorate from Wollongong University. Super. Colour photo. 1980s, Franco holding bronze ÒTÓ for Transfield, modern painting in B/G. Super.
Access No. 133538 | 39 secs | 1990s | Italy; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1980s, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis with Paul Keating at podium for presentation. Super. Colour portrait photo, 1974, Franco and wife Amina on Franco receiving CBE. Super. Colour photo, 1980s, Franco and family members on his boat. Super. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about his family coming from south Italy, his parents marriage at young age, his birth.
Access No. 133539 | 1 min 6 secs | 1990s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Still b&w photograph touched up in colour, 1916, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis aged one sitting in cart with goat. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about his father being very strict. Detail b&w school photo, 1920s, Franco aged nine. B&W photo class and teacher. Interview Franco about strict upbringing. B&W photo Franco wearing sandals, aged about 12. Interview Franco about family ruled under father.
Access No. 133540 | 56 secs | 1990s | Italy; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Franco Belgiorno-Nettis' mother, circa 1940s. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about lack of affection from his mother, with repercussions in childhood and later life. B&W photo Franco's father as young man. Interview Franco about having respect for his father and understanding that he had to be tough to get results.
Access No. 133541 | 1 min 19 secs | 1990s | Italy; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1931, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis aged 16 in group at Liceo, Class 2. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about wanting to escape family, seeking employment as a teenager, becoming station master at age 18. B&W portrait photo Franco as young man. Interview Franco about knowing his destiny was with the railway, his younger brother going to Torino military academy. B&W photo Franco as young man on beach.
Access No. 133542 | 1 min 23 secs | 1990s | Italy; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about his studying and successful entry into the military academy in Torino, Italy. Still b&w photograph officers inspecting military academy cadets standing to attention. Detail photo MS Franco. Interview Franco.
Access No. 133543 | 1 min 8 secs | 1990s | Italy; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1930s - 40s Italian soldiers marching (goosestepping), Mussolini speaking from podium, large crowd in square cheering and waving hats in air. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about being unaware of political aspects of Italian military, realising he was completely brainwashed whilst in the military academy.
Access No. 133544 | 1 min 12 secs | 1990s, 1930s, | Italy; Australia | © Film World | Colour |
Still b&w photograph Franco Belgiorno-Nettis as Lieutenant in Italian military. B&W photo, 1940s, group shot of Italian general and officers including Franco in full uniform. B&W photo, circa 1940, Franco in white uniform with sister and cousin standing in front of car. B&W portrait photo Franco as lieutenant. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about Facsism appearing indirectly in the Italian military academy.
Access No. 133545 | 29 secs | 1990s | Italy; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1930s, cadets from Italy's Cavalry School showing riding skills to the King, horses' hooves over camera, making jump. Super. King and entourage observing, VS riders going over mound. Dissolve.
Access No. 133546 | 12 secs | 1990s | Italy | © Film World | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1930s, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis as military academy cadet taking jump on horseback. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about war being decalared and finally giving him some goals and ambitions after five years at the military school. B&W portrait photo Franco in uniform. Interview Franco about going to North Africa in WWII and being in charge of the company.
Access No. 133547 | 31 secs | 1990s | Italy; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1940s, Italian Army mobilisation in North Africa, soldiers marching, lines of tanks moving along road, Mussolini and the King, artillery firing, Mussolini looking through field glasses, cannons, troopships in Suez Canal.
Access No. 133548 | 20 secs | 1940s | North Africa; Europe | © Film World | B&W |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about him supposed to be a telecommunications expert in North Africa during WWII. Still b&w photograph Franco and another officer from the Engineering Corps laying landmine, North Africa. Interview Franco about having to learn about mine technology in a short space of time, giving instruction that only officers should prime the mines.
Access No. 133549 | 33 secs | 1990s | North Africa; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1941, young Franco Belgiorno-Nettis wearing pith helmet, Noth Africa. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about seeing his men being blown up as part of the war. B&W photo, 1941, Franco in uniform on motorcycle, North Africa.
Access No. 133550 | 27 secs | 1990s | North Africa; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1940s, various soldiers jumping motorcycles over desert sand dunes, tanks racing down ditch of dune, VS artillery firing in Battle of Tobruk, soldiers running through dust, tank, army trucks. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about being lucky not to have been hit during desert battle, being shot by machine gun in second stage of battle, still having bullet in shoulder.
Access No. 133551 | 56 secs | 1940s, 1990s, | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1940s, WWII capture of Bardia and Tobruk, VS artillery firing, shells exploding in desert, aircraft, tanks, white flag of surrender flying, abandoned vehicles, British or Australian soldiers walking in desert, pan captured Italian soldiers, scrambling for water, Italian officer looking to camera.
Access No. 133552 | 43 secs | 1940s | North Africa | © NFSA | B&W |
Archival b&w footage, 1940s, WWII Italian POWs jumping of train car, embarking on ship, filing up gangway. Dissolve.
Access No. 133553 | 6 secs | 1940s | North Africa | © Film World | B&W |
Still b&w photograph, 1940s, barbed wire fence of POW concentration camp. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about being in a British concentration camp in India, being free to read and do hobbies. Painting of tennis court by Franco, painting of river scene by Franco. Interview Franco about his studies in engineering and the military.
Access No. 133554 | 47 secs | 1990s | India; Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Still b&w photograph, 1940s, wooden buildings of POW concentration camp in India. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about books being available through the Red Cross while he was in a POW camp in India, using his trades while he was in the camp, making grappa. B&W photo barbed wire fence of concentration camp in India. B&W portrait photo CU Franco in military cap. B&W photo Franco sitting in field on return to Italy from India, mountain and house in B/G.
Access No. 133555 | 1 min 12 secs | 1990s | India; Australia; Italy | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about his return to Italy after WWII. Still b&w photograph, 1948, Franco with his parents, Franco writing as parents sit behind on mound. Interview Franco about his feeling after the war that Italy didn't belong to him any more, getting a job in Milan, company getting a contract in Australia. B&W photo, 1950, Franco at desk with colleague in white coat.
Access No. 133556 | 1 min 29 secs | 1990s | Australia; Italy; Milan, Italy | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis. Still b&w photograph, 1948, Franco with his parents. Interview Franco about meeting woman in Torino who had three daughters, flirting with Amina, his future wife. B&W photo Amina, 1951. Interview Franco. B&W photo, 1952, Franco and Amina on their wedding day. Interview Franco about his wife Amina being an element of stability in his life, not being as grateful to her as he should have been. B&W photo, 1952, Amina sitting on lawn, Australia.
Access No. 133557 | 2 mins 1 sec | 1990s | Australia; Italy | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about finding Australia as a wilderness. Still b&w photograph, 1951, looking at map soon after arrival in Australia. Interview Franco about his first project for transmission in Australia. B&W photo, 1957, Franco and another man checking a transission tower. B&W photo, 1951, Franco in Neutral Bay apartment. Interview Franco about Australia offering him a wider scope of opportunities without him having to be controlled from overseas.
Access No. 133558 | 53 secs | 1990s | Sydney, Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Still b&w portrait photograph, 1951, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about seeking capital for his own ventures. B&W photo Transfield hut with trucks and two men standing outside. B&W aerial photo Nissan huts. Interview Franco about his great business opportunity. B&W photoTransfield employees. Interview Franco about Transfield's immigrant employees. B&W photo, 1966, Transfield employees in English class, Seven Hills.
Access No. 133559 | 1 min 46 secs | 1990s | Sydney, Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis. Archival colour footage ship construction, men in hard hats working in tunnel, aerial of power station and construction site, aerial pullback from Ocean Endeavour oil exploration rig. Interview Franco about Sydney Harbour Tunnel being a great project. Archival colour footage tunnel construction, hole drilled in rock, workmen leaning through hole, vintage car procession through tunnel. Dissolve.
Access No. 133560 | 35 secs | 1990s | Australia - various locations | © Transfield Group | Colour |
Archival colour footage transmission tower being raised, large wheel of winch turning. Still b&w photograph three different transmission towers. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis. Archival colour footage, 1992, HMAS Newcastle in shipyard, workers underneath ship. Interview Franco about the irony of building a naval ship for the Òex-enemyÓ. Archival footage ship launch, champagne hits side, worker cuts line with axe, VS ship launched, Franco and others observing. Dissolve.
Access No. 133561 | 50 secs | 1990s | Australia | © Transfield Group | Colour |
Archival colour footage Pope John Paul II in Popemobile during 1986 visit to Transfield Seven Hills, Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking with Pope, Pope and entourage walking through plant. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about Popes visit to Transfield. Footage Pope in hardhat meeting employees. Pope shaking hands with employees, VS Pope on podium and applauding crowd. Interview Franco about the great event. Baby passed to Pope in crowd, children in crowd.
Access No. 133562 | 1 min 12 secs | 1980s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis. Archival colour footage, 1990s, Franco with Frank Clune and two other men having lunch meeting in Franco's art gallery at Transfield, VS meeting. Interview Franco about his involvement in the arts, Transfield art prize. Footage interior people looking at works in art gallery, Franco with Edmund Capon and Italian Consul-General looking at and discussing exhibit on wall, VS Italian paintings. Dissolve.
Access No. 133563 | 1 min 4 secs | 1990s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Colour footage Franco Belgiorno-Nettis sitting at large screen with 3D display, feet pedding bicycle of exhibit, exhibit with large brain and ladies shoes, structure of heads with scarves, six hooded figures against white wall, people in art gallery, Franco with two others seated at table in Russian room of Dougherty Galleries, Art Gallery of NSW exhibit of figures with exaggerated breasts and penis suspended from ceiling. Dissolve.
Access No. 133564 | 56 secs | 1990s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking on telephone at desk. Interview Franco Belgiorno-Nettis talking about not having done enough for his family because of his other commitments. Still colour photograph,1993, Franco and wife Amina. Interview Franco about his contentment with wife and family, family respect and unity.
Access No. 133565 | 1 min 16 secs | 1990s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Franco Belgiorno-Nettis | Colour |