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Jack Hazlitt
World War One veteran Jack Hazlitt was a daredevil, the archetypal Australian of a past era.
Series :
Australian Biography Series 1 |
Year :
1992 |
Total Duration :
26 Minutes |
Producer :
Frank Heimans
Director :
Frank Heimans |
Archival b&w footage, 1910s, WWI Australian soldier playing bugle, pyramids in B/G, silhouette soldier with bayonet rifle standing to attention with pyramid and river in B/G. Interview Jack Hazlitt. Archival b&w footage WWI action, WS men in foxhole throwing grenade, (Turkish) soldiers firing rifles covering others running as grenade explodes. Interview Jack about hit and miss nature of WWI. Archival b&w re-enactment footage WWI action, VS Australian troops scrambling out of trench, soldiers running, ground explosion.
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Access No. 133202 | 31 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | Egypt; Europe; Turkey; Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about realising that the war (WWI) was not fun, dissolve to still b&w photograph, circa 1915, Jack Hazlitt as young man in full army uniform. Super. Interview Jack about childhood home, father and mother being in the theatre, father leaving family and never coming back, mother earning money teaching piano. B&W photo, 1900s, Hayleybury College entrance gate and building. Interview Jack about his mother arranging with principal of Hayleybury College for her sons to attend in exchange for her giving music lessons.
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Access No. 133203 | 4 mins 14 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | Melbourne, Vic, Australia; Sydney, NSW, Australia | © Jack Hazlitt | B&W |
Archival b&w footage, 1914, war recruits marching, most in civilian clothes, mounted brigade or light horsemen in parade along street, MS men marching, wearing civilian and uniform clothes. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about wanting to enlist as his brother did, lying about his age to enlist, his brother going off to Egypt.
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Access No. 133204 | 52 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Still b&w photograph, 1915, WWI men recruits gathered for photo at Blackboy Hill Camp, WA, detail photo young Jack Hazlitt. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about being in camp in Western Australia, training in Egypt.
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Access No. 133205 | 24 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | WA, Australia; NSW, Australia | © Jack Hazlitt | B&W |
Archival b&w footage, 1910s Egypt, WWI Australian soldiers walking near sphinx and pyramid, Arab man leading camel with two larrikin soldiers riding, one tips his hat to camera, WS soldiers and officers in Mena camp, LS pan sphinx with men walking on back of sphinx. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about mistakes made in marching men in desert too far, men dying on march to Suez Canal directed by general when they could have travelled by train, having to accept commissioned ranks in army bad decisions made, such as Gallipoli.
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Access No. 133206 | 1 min 56 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | Egypt; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Archival b&w re-enactment footage, 1910s, WWI Gallipoli landing, ship firing guns, boats rowing ashore, dead men in boat, big Turkish guns firing, men running up beach from landed boats, dead bodies already on beach, Australian soldiers running, guns firing, soldiers running up beach. Interview Jack Hazlitt. Archival b&w footage Australian soldiers marching on ship deck. Interview Jack talking about being a signaller in his unit, 28th battalion, their landing on Gallipoli at night, man killed, being very afraid.
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Access No. 133207 | 2 mins | 1990s, 1910s, | Suvla Bay, Gallipoli, Dardanelles, Turkey; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Still b&w photograph, 1915, group of twelve WWI recruits sitting outside bell tent at Blackboy Hill Camp, WA. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about his job as a signaller in the 28th battalion, Gallipoli, having no radios but using field telephones, landlines.
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Access No. 133208 | 1 min 6 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | WA, Australia; NSW, Australia | © Jack Hazlitt | B&W |
Archival b&w footage, 1910s, WWI British soldiers in trench at Gallipoli walking past man erecting landline wiring for field telecommunications. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about landlines getting damaged by Turks shelling, being a runner and the dangers entailed, being missed by bullets many times. Archival b&w footage Turkish soldier in bushes firing rifle. Interview Jack about Turkish firing accuracy at long distances.
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Access No. 133209 | 1 min 35 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | Gallipoli, Dardanelles, Turkey; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Archival b&w footage, 1910s, WWI British soldiers in trench at Gallipoli, Italian (?) soldier firing rifle over rim of trench, Turkish soldiers manning machine gun, WS four Turks running along gully. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about Gallipoli creek water being infected by corpses and causing dysentery. Archival footage Australian soldiers in trench dugout, British soldiers firing periscope rifles.
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Access No. 133210 | 1 min 32 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | Gallipoli, Dardanelles, Turkey; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about being taken off Gallipoli at last stages of severe dysentery, surviving because of youth and strength, having very poor food rations on Gallipoli, buying a tin of condensed milk from a sailor, never having any fresh food.
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Access No. 133211 | 2 mins 25 secs | 1990s | NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1910s, gunfire coming from Gallipoli fortifications built into hillside, Turk manning machine gun, ship in harbour firing at Gallipoli peninsular, explosion on hilltop, CU Turkish army officer, Mustafa Kemal, looking through periscope, view of encampments on Gallipoli hillside, Australian and British soldiers walking through trench tunnel. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about feeling of relief when British generals decided to evacuate Gallipoli. Archival footage British soldiers along path, one man carried on stretcher.
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Access No. 133212 | 45 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | Gallipoli, Dardanelles, Turkey; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about being taken across to Belgium after Gallipoli, excitement at sight of Paris but being taken straight on to Belgium. Archival b&w footage, 1916, WWI Western Front in France, soldiers running with rifles over battlefield at the Somme. Super. Ground explosions, soldiers falling, German soldier firing machine gun, Allied soldiers scrambling out of trench, rear view soldiers charging, one falls, running across battlefield, LS running back to trenches, artillery gun, large explosion in field.
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Access No. 133213 | 1 min 6 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | NSW, Australia; France, Europe | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about close proximity of trench lines in WWI France. Archival b&w re-enactment footage allied soldiers attacking Germans in trench, German soldier bayoneted, wounded in trench, allied soldiers scrambling over carnage in trenches. Interview Jack about having ten day reprieves from battle, high casualty rate on Somme battlefield because of numerous German machine guns.
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Access No. 133214 | 59 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | NSW, Australia; France, Europe | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Archival b&w footage, 1910s, WWI battle action in France, German soldiers firing machine guns, VS allied troops advancing across battlefield, machine gun firing, soldier falling. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about briefly meeting up with his brother in Pozieres at the Somme, his brother being mortally wounded at the front soon after and dying from gangrene in military hospital near Cambridge, England.
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Access No. 133215 | 2 mins 59 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | France, Europe; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Still b&w portrait photograph, 1914, Jack Hazlitt's brother Richard in full army uniform. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about his brother Richard, who died during WWI, being their mother's favourite, hitting him in the head with a stone when they were boys.
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Access No. 133216 | 1 min 16 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | NSW, Australia | © Jack Hazlitt | B&W |
Archival b&w footage WWI Battle of Pozieres, 1916, huge shell explosion, soldiers out climbing out of foxholes to go into battle. Super. Artillery gun firing, WS shell explosion, soldiers running surrounded by heavy shelling, man falls from footbridge into trench, soldiers walking in line along narrow trench, soldiers on move through ruined dugouts as two appear to assist wounded. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about shell going off alongside him. Archival footage Australian soldiers advancing though crater as shell explodes.
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Access No. 133217 | 33 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | France, Europe; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about passing out on battlefield near front line when shell exploded next to him, coming to and hearing German voices, staying at bottom of shell hole for another day, crawling out the next night and reaching his brigade headquarters where officer in charge saw he had Òhad itÓ. Still b&w photograph Jack Hazlitt in uniform. Interview Jack about his brain being Òbombed outÓ from shell shock, being shipped back to Australia about a year before the war finished, Armistice.
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Access No. 133218 | 2 mins 32 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | NSW, Australia | © Jack Hazlitt | Colour |
Archival b&w footage, 1918 Armistice Day celebrations. Super. Large crowd cheering in street, group of Australian diggers waving from doorway of train, soldiers in open train car, one holds out hand to help anther man up, troop train moving along track. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about never wanting to run away during battle, sticking it out until you either got killed, wounded or relieved, questioning where one would run away to, becoming a deserter.
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Access No. 133219 | 1 min 33 secs | 1990s, 1910s, | France, Europe; NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Archival b&w footage Australian soldiers going though bayonet training drill, troops running through smokescreen. Interview Jack Hazlitt talking about having faced death many times, now knowing he can't go on much longer. Footage LS Jack and wife Lesley walking along McMasters Beach. Start of end titles.
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Access No. 133220 | 1 min 1 sec | 1990s, 1910s, | NSW, Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
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