Title Details

Ghan to Alice Out Takes - Rodeo

Follows two rodeo riders travelling from Marree to the Alice Springs Rodeo on the Ghan train.
Year : 1978 | Total Duration : 27 Minutes | Producer : Peter Johnson
Director : Curtis Levy |
Rodeo riders on horses - bucking broncos, slow motion. Bull riding, more horses. Lassoing and roping calves from horseback. Man falls off bucking horse. Looking at pens of cattle. Shots above stall as rider prepares. One rider falls. Commentator. More riders and falls, some slow motion, bucking bull. Young boy. Roping calf. Girl rides into ring with Northern Territory flag. Practising on bull at station.
Access No. 126016 | 21 mins 28 secs | 1970s | NT, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |