Title Details

Flo and Marianna - A Matter of Language

Flo explains her relationship with Marianna, her elderly Italian neighbour.
Series : Our Multicultural Society Series 1 | Episode : 4 | Year : 1978 | Total Duration : 9 Minutes | Producer : Tom Manefield, Jan Sharp (Associate Producer)
Director : Linda Blagg |
Pair of elderly women in public sea pool. Interview with Flo and friends talking about the difficulty in helping her Italian neighbour Marianna. VS elderly group of women at beach. VS women discussing the ethnic groups they like and dislike. Marianna walking along street to Flo's house. Flo spraying Marianna with perfume. High shots over crowded dance floor, VS Marianna and Flo dancing, talking and laughing with friends. Pan from washing hanging on hills hoist line to house and Marianna cooking in her kitchen. CU peeling potatoes over newspaper. Marianna with old family photos. GS Marianna and Flo in hall and have group sing-alongs at table. People standing to sing Advance Australia Fair. Flo discussing difficulties in their relationship.
Access No. 148320 | 8 mins 57 secs | 1970s | Australia | © Restricted Access | Colour |