Title Details

Taking a Gamble

The men of St Francis adjust to living in a pub during renovations to the monastery. Boris reflects on his plans to join the priesthood and Gonzalo decides to take a break from monastic life after 45 years.
Series : Once Were Monks | Episode : 2 | Year : 1998 | Total Duration : 25.5 Minutes | Producer : Luigi Acquisto, Stella Zammataro
Director : Luigi Acquisto, Andrew Sully |
Opening titles. Pan down night shot Tabaret Hotel with neon sign and trams and traffic going past. Brother Gerard Develin in bed , CU face as he wakes up, rubs eyes. CU fingers turning off alarm button. Title.
Access No. 127182 | 39 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Early morning shot St Francis Church behind fence, high rise building behind. Truck (Huntingdale Cranes) reversing. Exterior monastery , early morning. CU young man operating pneumatic drill, crucifix dangling from neck, pan down to drilling floor. Exterior HAS Workman's hut in grounds of church where priests supervising renovation work are living.
Access No. 127183 | 32 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Breakfast - CU Rice Bubbles cereal packet, cereal being poured. Father Ken Boland in dressing gown enters room (inside workman's hut where they are staying to supervise work during renovation). Chats to other priests Br John Pugh and Fr Aloysius while sipping from mug. Crosses from church with high rise building behind.
Access No. 127184 | 33 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival footage St Peter's Square Rome. Priests and Pope taking service.
Access No. 127185 | 1 min 1 sec | 1940s | Vatican City, Rome, Italy, Europe | © NFSA | B&W |
Father Gonzalo Munoz in St Francis Church passing sacrament to congregation during communion. Interview Fr Gonzalo talking about his views that the Catholic Church is not encouraging the thinking person but if he says that in the pulpit he would alienate people. Fr Gonzalo in church taking mass.
Access No. 127186 | 43 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Red illuminated sign Pokies in Tabaret Hotel window. Side shot Brother Gerard Develin standing on electronic talking scales in bathroom. Group of monks sitting at table, chatting to Br Gerard and joking with him about being late and over sleeping, tickling Father John Pugh.
Access No. 127187 | 43 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Inside workman's hut, priest washing dishes by water heater. CU fingers adjusting digital watch on wrist. Three priests get up from table. Exterior St Francis Church with high rise building behind. Monks in robes prepare to enter church, enter. Interior church during morning prayers, pan down from statue to men singing. VS men in church, Brother Gerard Develin playing organ. Rear shot to monks and small congregation in church.
Access No. 127189 | 1 min 18 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Father Gonzalo Munoz sitting alone at dining table
Access No. 127190 | 7 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W still photograph group of priests. Closer in. Still photograph group of priests on ship including Father Gonzalo Munoz as young man coming from Spain.
Access No. 127191 | 16 secs | 1960s | © NFSA | B&W |
Interview Father Gonzalo Munoz talking to camera about how he came to Australia temporarily but found he couldn't live in Spain after 5 years away (too much censorship) so he returned to Australia.
Access No. 127192 | 21 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still photograph Father Gonzalo Munoz talking mass as young man. Still photograph young Fr Gonzalo with his mother.
Access No. 127193 | 10 secs | 1950s | © NFSA | B&W |
Father Gonzalo Munoz interview talking to camera about living in a seminary, institution, when he was twelve.
Access No. 127194 | 4 secs | 1990s | © NFSA | B&W |
Still photograph, 2 shots, young priests including Father Gonzalo Munoz
Access No. 127195 | 6 secs | 1950s | © NFSA | B&W |
Exterior two storey house belonging to Father Donald Cave where is living during renovations of monastery. Profile Fr Donald leafing through papers at desk.
Access No. 127196 | 12 secs | 1990s | Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still painting founder of the order Saint Peter Julian Eymard.
Access No. 127197 | 4 secs | 1800s | France, Europe | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W still photograph HAS Arc de Triomphe. Still drawing of French buildings.
Access No. 127198 | 5 secs | 1800s | Paris, France, Europe | © NFSA | Colour |
HAS Father Donald Cave at desk reading French book, CU finger pointing at text.
Access No. 127199 | 10 secs | 1990s | Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival footage Two priests in church reading from book. Priest kneeling at altar, offering sacrament. Line of priests. Alter boys, one waving incense burner.
Access No. 127200 | 17 secs | 1940s | © NFSA | Colour |
Still photograph founder of order of Blessed Sacrament congregation Saint Peter Julian Eymard lying in open casket.
Access No. 127201 | 7 secs | 1800s | France, Europe | © NFSA | Colour |
Various CU's Father Donald Cave studying and reading at desk, some shots of him using magnifying glass. Fr Donald waiting to catch a tram. Fr Donald standing on tram. LAS up to high rise building pan round to Tabaret Hotel where other monks are staying. VS monks enjoying lively discussions over dinner, CU's Brother Gerard Develin, Fr Don, Father Joe Guerin, Fr Gonzalo Munoz, Br John Pugh
Access No. 127202 | 1 min 54 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Brother Boris Perlaki and Father Gonzalo Munoz walking together carrying box from building to car. Interview Br Boris saying how he feels joy that there is flexibility allowing Fr Gonzalo some time away from the priesthood to explore and still be supported. Two men chat together in street. Br Boris talking about the maturity of the church.
Access No. 127203 | 1 min 21 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Father Gonzalo Munoz collecting possessions from room including tennis racquet and Spanish wine skin. Looking out of window of Tabaret Hotel to inner city buildings. Fr Gonzalo in room talking about risk of failure better than no risk at all (about taking break form the order). Fr Gonzalo down stairs. Standing at side of road with two bags.
Access No. 127204 | 1 min 17 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
HAS looking out from St Francis Monastery to slab of concrete being hoisted. On ground, Father Ken Boland discussing work with builder. Fr Ken talking to camera about how there has been a lot of argument (about the decision to renovate) but in the end they will do it. Construction site stairwell pan up to second storey where monks are being shown around by building supervisor. Fr Ken talks to camera about how they are becoming more intimate.
Access No. 127205 | 1 min 17 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Elderly monk Brother Bernard Scanlan siting in corridor of St Nazareth Home for the Aged. Exterior nursing home. Father Ken Boland seated with Br Bernard chatting and telling him about how he and two of the other priests are living in workman's huts whilst other monks are living in casino pub across the road. CU Br Bernard laughing.
Access No. 127206 | 48 secs | 1990s | Camberwell, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Exterior two windows of house.
Access No. 127207 | 3 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still B&W photograph Fr Donald Cave as young priest with other next to table. Colour photograph Fr Donald seated nest to fireplace. Still B&W photograph Fr Donald with others at table in period when he gave up being a priest.
Access No. 127208 | 12 secs | 1980s | © NFSA | B&W |
CU Fr Donald Cave ironing clothes. He talks about he studied in Rome for seven years.
Access No. 127209 | 8 secs | 1990s | Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still B&W photograph profile Father Donald Cave as young priest. Still B&W photograph group of priests and closer in of Fr Donald as young priest.
Access No. 127210 | 16 secs | 1940s | © NFSA | B&W |
CU Father Donald Cave ironing talking about coming back to the church, how he believes decisions aren't made, that they grow on you. Says he got up one morning and decided to return to the priesthood that day and did so.
Access No. 127211 | 38 secs | 1990s | Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Autumnal suburban street pan to exterior Glanmore House Meditation Centre. Fr Gonzalo Munoz with woman who explains how they came to invite him to be their caretaker. Fr Gonzalo says he felt good coming there and felt it was a spiritual place. Exterior Glanmore House. Woman explains that house to be a centre for prayer, for groups and individuals. Exterior zoom in to attic window. Inside, woman shows Fr Gonzalo small darkened room.
Access No. 127212 | 2 mins 5 secs | 1990s | Hawthorn, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Brother Gerard Develin on street, cars behind. HAS looking down to street. Trams draws up and Br Gerard gets on. Trams moves away. Br Gerard standing on doorstep , rings bell. Sister Carmel Theresa Malone opens door, hug. CU budgerigar in cage. Br Gerard chats too budgie, give Sister present. Br Gerard takes budgie out of cage and chats to him.
Access No. 127213 | 1 min 39 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Verandah with bench, Father Donald Cave with bull terrier dog on lead, look at rose bushes. Fr Donald enters shop, chats with assistant about sandwich he is buying.
Access No. 127214 | 1 min 29 secs | 1990s | Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Exterior Glanmore House Meditation Centre at dusk. CU's Father Gonzalo Munoz slicing and cooking tomatoes. Fr Gonzalo sitting alone in arm chair meditating. Gets up and walks to balcony, looks out at suburban roof tops at dusk.
Access No. 127215 | 55 secs | 1990s | Hawthorn, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Red illuminated Pokies sign outside Tabaret Hotel. Inside dining room, Brother Gerard Develin telling other monks Irish joke about budgies and priests. They all laugh. Exterior, window lights at night.
Access No. 127216 | 58 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Illuminated window at night, crucifix hanging on wall. Bull terrier dog lying in front of revolving heater. Father Donald Cave seated in dark, talking to dog.
Access No. 127217 | 20 secs | 1990s | Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Still B&W photograph Fr Donald Cave with 2 others. Still photograph Fr Donald with mother. Still photograph alter boys kneeling at alter. B&W photo Fr Donald administering communion.
Access No. 127218 | 28 secs | 1970s | © NFSA | B&W |
Father Donald Cave talking about being in conflict with local authorities of the church, talks about Catholic Church being part of the true church.
Access No. 127219 | 34 secs | 1990s | Fitzroy, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Slow pan down illuminated high rise building at night down to St Francis Church. Father Ken Boland dressed in towel around waist coming out of work man's hut, patting church walls and saying the founder of the church would never have imagined a priest having a shower whilst living in a tin shed. Fr Ken goes into shower and turns on light. Pulling shower curtain closed, tells camera to go home. Peeks out, laughing.
Access No. 127220 | 1 min 21 secs | 1990s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |