Title Details

Muddy Waters - Life and Death on the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is dying - can anything be done to save it?
Year : 2002 | Total Duration : 52 Minutes | Producer : Tony Wright, Stuart Menzies (Producers), Sally Ingleton (Co-Producer)
Director : Sally Ingleton |
Bleached coral. Crown-of-thorns starfish. Dick Camelleri, sugar cane farmer. Dr Katharina Fabricius diving off the coast of the Great Barrier Reef. Farmers meeting to discuss land run-off.
Filmmakers, Rory McGuinness and Sally Ingleton. Great Barrier Reef. Harvesting sugar cane in Queensland. L-R: Dr Katharina Fabricius and Sheriden Morris looking through a microscope, at the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. L-R: Research assistant Lindsay Harrington with Dr Katharina Fabricius.
Reef Ecologist, Dr Katharina Fabricius, observing bleached coral. Reef ecologist, Dr Katharina Fabricius, with underwater camera, filming bleached coral.  Reef ecologist, Dr Katharina Fabricius, with underwater camera, filming bleached coral.  Ross Digman, sugar cane farmer.
Aerial over wide blue ocean. Aerials over the Great Barrier Reef. Underwater shot of wave action over shallow coral reef and various underwater shots of fish swimming over and amongst colourful coral gardens. Meeting of Far North Queensland farmers addressed by Sheridan Morris intercut with underwater shots of reef, fish and polluted floor of reef. Scuba diver brushes hand over muddied floor of reef. Clouds and particles of brown dirt fill frame. Title fades up.
Access No. 131353 | 1 min 59 secs | 2000s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival B&W footage of view of reef from sailing boat, MS of boat sailing on water, MS of two women with their hair blowing in wind aboard boat.
Access No. 131355 | 7 secs | 1930s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © National Film and Sound Archive | B&W |
Archival B&W footage with GS of couple standing on primitive jet ski consisting of plank of wood and holding rope attached to back of boat as it skids across water.
Access No. 131360 | 2 secs | 1940s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Archival B&W footage with CU of male snorkeller swimming over coral reef.
Access No. 131361 | 2 secs | 1960s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Archival B&W footage of group of people coral walking, fossicking with sticks on the reef at low tide.
Access No. 131362 | 3 secs | 1930s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © National Film and Sound Archive | B&W |
B&W archival footage with MS of couple reading book, ÒWonders of the Great Barrier ReefÓ together as they sunbake on beach.
Access No. 131363 | 3 secs | 1940s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
B&W archival footage with tilt down from woman on reef pointing at sea life in rock pool.
Access No. 131365 | 3 secs | 1960s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
B&W archival footage with quick MS of couple looking at large sea shell on beach.
Access No. 131366 | 2 secs | 1940s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Archival B&W footage with CU of large sea turtle moving towards camera.
Access No. 131367 | 1 sec | 1930s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © National Film and Sound Archive | B&W |
B&W archival footage of woman riding on top of large sea turtle in standing position holding onto rope attached to the front legs of the turtle as it moves across the sand.
Access No. 131368 | 2 secs | 1940s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
B&W archival footage with WS of women in swimsuits running across tropical beach with palm trees in foreground.
Access No. 131624 | 4 secs | 1930s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © National Film and Sound Archive | B&W |
B&W archival footage of couple walking on tropical beach towards water with their backs to camera. GS of man points to his right as he passes a wooden row boat on the sand.
Access No. 131625 | 3 secs | 1940s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
WS of beach resort with banana lounge chairs and umbrellas lining it's beach waterfront and palm tree surrounds. VS elderly and middle aged couples walking along beach with backs to camera. VS tourists boarding Outer Barrier Reef cruise boat. VS of outdoor deck with tourists on boat heading out towards the ocean for coral viewing. Back view of boat on calm blue water as it heads out to sea.
Access No. 131626 | 19 secs | 2000s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Underwater view of inshore reef with brown dirt-ridden ocean floor. Graphic sequence with maps of Australia and CUs on Far North Queensland coast highlighting the reefs most at risk between the tropical towns of Cairns and Townsville.
Access No. 131627 | 20 secs | 2000s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Aerial over waterfall gushing over cliffs and boulders at the heart of the Tully River. Aerial over rafts floating on river. MS of white water rafters crashing around rocks with their raft as they head down the Tully. Track over flowing river with green rainforest trees edging it. Aerial over the Tully River meandering through farmland of Far North Queensland on a vast flood plain. CU on brown water of river.
Access No. 131628 | 37 secs | 2000s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival B&W footage from "The Cane Cutters" with CU on cane cutters as they each take their cutting tool from the soil. VS male cane cutters in sugar cane field cutting back the cane by hand.
Access No. 132127 | 14 secs | 1940s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Good WS of freight train loaded with sugar cane sounding it's horn as it approaches camera. GS wire trucks carrying sugar cane past camera. MS sugar cane farmer Dick Camilleri with dog walking through his sugar cane field towards camera with mountains in background. CU Camilleri to camera. VS of Camilleri driving harvester through field with two farm workers sit on back. MS Camilleri sitting in farm shed talking to camera about how his father worked the land to establish their sugar cane farm.
Access No. 132128 | 1 min 6 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival B&W footage from 1953 film "Farmer Was a Fighting Man" showing MS of men chopping trees down with axes. Two men chop at trees with axes and move away as the trees fall. GS felled tree used to raze small trees by running it horizontally. VS river running through cleared land.
Access No. 132129 | 20 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
B&W archival footage with CU of moray eel underwater emerging from coral.
Access No. 138618 | 1 sec | 1960s | Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Aerials over former coastal wetlands adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef now bulldozed and cleared for sugar cane. CU pan down rainbow ending in sugar cane plantation. Interview with sugar cane farmer Dick Camilleri talking about the definition of wetlands. Aerial over sugar cane fields standing in water and track over networks of channels dug to drain the water.
Access No. 138619 | 58 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interview with sugar cane farmer Dick Camilleri standing next to drain in sugar cane plantation talking about the depth needed to drain away water. VS of water flowing drains. Voice-over explaining the detrimental effects of drains on the environment. Aerial over wetland forest and MS of rain falling into drains and runoff dragging loose topsoil containing fertilizer and other chemicals into the drains as well which empties into rivers. Track down brown river.
Access No. 138620 | 58 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Aerial over brown stain at the mouth of the Tully River known as a "flood plume" emptying into sea. Aerial track along visible line of where the river waters meets the sea. High angle track around research vessel anchored off Dunk Island near the mouth of the Tully River. VS team of biologists from the Institute of Marine Science with German born Dr Katherina Fabricius as team leader aboard the boat.
Access No. 138621 | 49 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS three biologists from the Institute of Marine Science loading scuba diving equipment from their research boat onto inflatable motorised dinghy and riding out to sea with Dr Katherina Fabricius as team leader. MS interview with reef ecologist Fabricius talking about her concerns of chemicals and pollutants on corals, fish and the reef environment.
Access No. 138622 | 40 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS scuba divers entering water from side of dinghy and POV shots underwater. VS Dr Katherina Fabricius and college Lindsay Harrington monitoring survival and growth rates of corals they have tagged. CUs of coral being measured. CU of coral being scraped by knife releasing clouds of mud. CU recording coral deaths on waterproof pad with pencil. GS divers swimming away from camera.
Access No. 138623 | 1 min 19 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU interview with reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius talking about the drastic reduction of living coral species in the area they are researching. VS Fabricius driving outboard motored dinghy. GS of river bordered by sugar cane plantations and aerials over patterned green plantations with voice-overs from talk-back radio listeners on the issue of land use and pesticides.
Access No. 138624 | 45 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA/ABC | Colour |
Sugar cane fields POV passing car and MS of Dick Camilleri driving. WS from car of smoke rising from sugar cane processing plant chimneys against background of forested mountains. GS red tractor working the plantation and CU to plough behind tractor. Track following Camilleri walking down road with fishing rod. CU to muddy water swirling around rock and MS interview with Camilleri while he fishes talking about dirtiness of water and fishing.
Access No. 138625 | 1 min 9 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS sign pointing to Tully and Business Centre with plumes of smoke from sugar cane processing plant in background. VS around town of Tully with people going about their business in the rain. GS of Tully River Catchment Coordinator Jason Aridis leaving his offices. CU interview with him as he drives talking about the sensitivity needed in working with such a farming community.
Access No. 138626 | 38 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS of Tully River Catchment Coordinator Jason Aridis walking through grass to muddy silt trap. MS interviews with Aridis and sugar cane farmer Nat La Spina about how the silt trap works and a farmer's point of view. WS pan across tilled paddocks with green mountains in background. Pan past riverbank erosion POV boat in river and VS cane farmer Ross Digman on his boat. WS of Digman driving small outboard boat on river with voice-over of him describing how the river has changed over the many years he has lived there.
Access No. 138628 | 2 mins 3 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across cleared farmland and river. MS interview with sugar cane farmer Ross Digman at edge of river talking about soil loss and the silt load flowing down the Tully River. MS of rapidly flowing muddy river water. Aerial shot over the Tully River mouth with brown river water flowing into sea. Underwater shots of coral and fish in murky water and VS of reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius diving and looking at corals with her voice-over discussing this phenomena she calls "coral snow".
Access No. 138629 | 1 min 46 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interview with reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius talking about poor visibility in sea and the destructiveness of what she calls "coral snow". Underwater shot of wave action over shallow coral reef. Good CU of soft coral waving in water and over other corals with fish swimming around them.
Access No. 138630 | 1 min 1 sec | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Archival B&W CUs newspaper headlines from the 1960s reading "Great Barrier Reef 'Doomed'", "Reef Plague: Govt. Accused" and "Starfish damage reef". Fade to CU of Crown of Thorns starfish moving on sea floor and tracks over the starfish over coral with news narration voice-over. GS snorkellers spiking the starfish.
Access No. 138631 | 30 secs | 1960s | Qld, Australia | © Fred Heyer | B&W |
MS scuba diver past Star of Thorn starfish over coral and VS of reef with CU the starfish. CU interview with reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius talking about how the river run-off may advantage the Crown of Thorns starfish. MS Fabricius underwater with Crown of Thorns starfish. Underwater track over coral in recovery and high track over sea showing increased seaweed presence also attributed to fertilizer run-off.
Access No. 138632 | 1 min 6 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Various underwater shots of reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius scuba diving over coral with clipboard in hand checking the progress of coral she'd previously tagged. MS of Fabricius helping to dock inflatable boat of Sheriden Morris from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to her boat. MS of Fabricius briefing Morris on her survey results detailing the dramatic loss of sea life.
Access No. 138633 | 48 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Various underwater shots of reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius scuba diving with government biologist Sheriden Morris pointing out various concerns with the reef structure. Good CUs colourful brush-like Christmas Tree worms boring into coral. MS Fabricius writing on her waterproof pad. GS both women emerging from water and climbing into inflatable boat. MS of the two women discussing lack of coral recruits and VS of them explaining ramifications to camera.
Access No. 138634 | 2 mins 3 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS of sugar cane plantation with LS to farmhouse with misty mountains behind. MS interview with sugar cane farmer Dick Camilleri talking about chemical use in growing the cane intercut with GS chemical sprayer spraying sugar cane crop and CU to Camilleri driving it. WS tractors outside farm shed and GS of large tractor being driven through sugar cane plantation towards camera.
Access No. 138635 | 1 min 31 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle pan across typical green rural farmland with mountains in background and river in foreground. Track tilted up along row of banana plants. GS man chopping down bagged branch bearing bananas and VS of banana crops being processed in factory. GS bananas in washing vats and on conveyor belt. GS stream of runoff carrying fertilizer from banana plantation.
Access No. 138636 | 43 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS boats anchored off shore with mountains in background. GS two people in kayak. VS reef ecologist Dr Katharina Fabricius riding in inflatable boat with outboard motor with Sheriden Morris from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Morris drops anchor and gives a depth reading to Fabricius. GS Fabricius entering water with clipboard and pad in hand. MS underwater track of muddy looking sea floor.
Access No. 138637 | 29 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of reef ecologist Dr Katharina Fabricius in scuba diving gear setting up underwater experiment where she hammers and screws in several terracotta tiles which she hopes will provide a stable base for young corals to settle after spawning so she can monitor them. Fade to WS of full moon with wispy black clouds scuttling past. WS silver moonlight reflected on night sea.
Access No. 138638 | 33 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS coral in sea at night with VS of coral spawning. Very good ECUs of coral in various forms and colours spawning.
Access No. 138639 | 18 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © Coral Sea Imagery | Colour |
Underwater ECU of orange coloured coral releasing eggs and sperm in act of spawning.
Access No. 138640 | 5 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Very good ECUs of coral of various forms and colours releasing eggs and sperm during spawning.
Access No. 138641 | 4 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © Coral Sea Imagery | Colour |
Very good ECUs of bright green coral releasing eggs and sperm during spawning.
Access No. 138642 | 1 sec | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Very good ECUs of coral of various forms and colours spawning with VS clouds of eggs and sperm moving through dark night sea over and around them.
Access No. 138643 | 11 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © Coral Sea Imagery | Colour |
GS clouds of eggs and sperm moving through dark night sea over and around plate corals.
Access No. 138644 | 10 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Underwater pan spawning across corals to dark night sea filled with mass of released eggs and sperm.
Access No. 138645 | 16 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © Coral Sea Imagery | Colour |
WS of silhouetted boat with lights reflected in orange sea with black clouds spread across orange sky at sunrise.
Access No. 138646 | 22 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Good WS of sunrise breaking through dark clouds lighting up upper clouds over dark ocean. Ws research boat on sea and MS to reef ecologist Dr Katharina Fabricius on board boat preparing her scuba diving gear. Underwater track over murky reef floor and VS Fabricius and colleague Lindsay Harrington scuba diving to experimental tiles covered in thick layer of mud and algae which is vacuumed into a tank.
Access No. 138647 | 1 min 46 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS bay at dusk and VS of boat, sea and inflatable dinghies. GS to marine biologist Lindsay Harrington in lab seen through round porthole window of boat. VS of Dr Katharina Fabricius in the laboratory looking through microscope and ECUs of coral under microscope which responds to Fabricius prodding it. MS Fabricius explaining the makeup of a coral polyp. VS Harrington at microscope looking at collected tile with ECU to growth found on tile which indicates that coral recovery has been poor.
Access No. 138648 | 1 min 16 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS biologist Lindsay Harrington in laboratory looking into microscope and ECU of micro organisms on tiles planted in the coral reefs. CUs of reef ecologist Katherina Fabricius and ECUs of micro images of corals reacting to being coated with different types of mud. GS of Fabricius talking to camera. ECU micro image of tiny barnacle in tank and VS of Fabricius carrying out experiments on barnacle by adding different types of sediments to tank.
Access No. 138653 | 1 min 52 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS plumes of smoke rising in grey sky and tilt down to chimney stack rising out of lush forest emitting the smoke. WS sugar cane train laden with harvested cane on tracks in front of sugar cane factory with smoke rising from chimneys. WS inside sugar cane factory with the harvest travelling up chute for processing. VS factory steam inside factory.
Access No. 138654 | 23 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS sparkling light from setting sun over ocean. Underwater tilt down to dead, bleached coral. Good ECU of clown anemonefish swimming around coral. GS reef ecologist Katherina Fabricius underwater looking at coral and VS corals.
Access No. 138655 | 2 mins 1 sec | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS of reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius at front of boat out at sea locating area of coral for exploring. Underwater shot looking up to boat and Fabricius jumping into water. WS large school of small fish swimming over bleached coral and GS of turtle swimming. VS of various types of coral all bleached white. MS interview with Fabricius talking about the need to prevent human induced pressures on the reef. GS travelling in boat.
Access No. 138656 | 1 min 21 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS sugar cane farmer Ross Digman fishing in coastal wetlands. GS of Digman riding quad bike and MS interview with him about building his own artificial lagoon on his property. WS pan of lush artificial lagoon and aerial track over his man made revegetated waterway snaking through his farm. VS of Digman and Alf Hogan driving boat through the lagoon to check how fish are breeding. VS of electric pulses from boat momentarily stunning fish which float to water surface.
Access No. 138657 | 1 min 4 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs of sugar cane farmer Ross Digman and Qld Government Fisheries Biologist Alf Hogan retrieving momentarily stunning fish from Digman's artificial lagoon's surface into bucket on boat to enable them to evaluate how successful their rebreeding program has been. VS of Digman weighing and measuring Brim, Barramundi and other fish before returning them to lagoon. CU interview with Hogan.
Access No. 138658 | 48 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interview with sugar cane farmer Ross Digman about replacing lost habitat. CUs lilypads on lagoon surface. GS Digman standing beside drain system explaining how his lagoon system interacts with the run-off to camera. GS muddy river POV car over bridge. WS misty rainforest hillside and high angle shot of crashing waterfall on Tully River.
Access No. 138659 | 1 min 13 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS flooded river news footage.
Access No. 138660 | 2 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © WIN TV Cairns | Colour |
WS people pushing car through flood water.
Access No. 138661 | 2 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS news footage of trees bending over in force of wind and GS windswept street.
Access No. 138662 | 3 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © WIN TV Cairns | Colour |
WS truck and cars passing through flood waters on road.
Access No. 138663 | 1 sec | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
News footage of flooded street in Tully with pan to "Road Closed" sign and zoom to petrol bowsers at service station half submerged in floodwaters. WS people walking through waist-deep flood waters and MS men in canoe past camera.
Access No. 138664 | 7 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © WIN TV Cairns | Colour |
Aerial view over flooded farmlands and sugarcane plantations. Aerial track over road sitting just over flooded fields of flood plain.
Access No. 138665 | 10 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS news footage of flooded field with pan across sugar cane crop and WS boats on choppy stormy windswept seas. High angle view over coastline with forest coming down to sand in storm and GS sea. WS flooded river and zoom into roadside flood gauge. Aerial view over brown flooded river.
Access No. 138666 | 20 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © WIN TV Cairns | Colour |
Tilt down from grey misty sky to town of Tully and VS of main shopping strip in rain. MS Jason Aridis from Cardwell Shire Catchment Management Association on the telephone organising a meeting with farmers to discuss the problem of run-off from their farms. VS Sheriden Morris from the Marine Park Authority driving in her car whilst speaking to camera and POV shots of the road and countryside from her car.
Access No. 138667 | 58 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS cars and 4WDs parked on grass and GS farmers arriving at meeting in large agricultural shed and being seated. GS Sheriden Morris from the Marine Park Authority speaking in front of projection screen addressing farmers at meeting. VS Dr Christian Roth from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) speaking to group.
Access No. 138668 | 41 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS of sugar cane farmer Dick Camilleri asking questions about drainage at a meeting with farmers to discuss the problem of run-off from their farms. VS faces of other farmers listening to Dr Christian Roth from the CSIRO answering questions. MS farmer Delmo giving impassioned speech about the red tape that farmers encounter. Cutaway MS of other farmers nodding in agreement. MS farmer Angelo speaking about overcoming the problems.
Access No. 138669 | 1 min 36 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS sugar cane being harvested and POV shot from harvester. GS of farmer driving harvester towards camera. MS on Dick Camilleri driving in his car through sugar cane plantation talking about plummeting sugar prices and VS of harvester. GS freight train towards camera and VS of train and driver. Shot over sugar cane in train trucks. VS sugar cane being processed in factory along conveyor belt and down chutes. WS real estate agent putting 'For Sale' sign up in front of sugar cane.
Access No. 138670 | 1 min 32 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA/ABC | Colour |
CU to foam on sea surface and WS of inflatable rafts being pulled behind large research boat. VS around boat with diving gear on deck and MS reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius talking to fellow passenger. Aerial track over research boat on featureless sea. Aerial view over large winding muddy river systems emptying into sea at Charlotte Bay on the Cape York Peninsula. Good lower aerial over river mouth.
Access No. 138671 | 33 secs | 2000s | Charlotte Bay, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
High angle track along muddy, silty coastal vegetation along coastal bay. High aerial shot over low forested island surrounded by coral reefs. GS reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius and her assistant Lindsay Harrington being driven out to coral island in boat to do a comparative survey of the northern reef to the more southern reef thus far studied.
Access No. 138672 | 18 secs | 2000s | Charlotte Bay, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius and her assistant Lindsay Harrington scuba diving and VS over coral showing the dramatic difference to the sugar cane run-off affected corals of the southern reef. MS underwater tracks over coral gardens; gregorian sea-fans and other corals. GS sediment floating in reef water. VS of Fabricius and Harrington holding research tiles and measuring corals in the area. GS of them swimming away and then arriving back at inflatable dinghy.
Access No. 138673 | 50 secs | 2000s | Charlotte Bay, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius and her assistant Lindsay Harrington having returned from an exploratory dive enthusiastically discussing the vital, health nature of the reef compared to the southern reefs they have seen.
Access No. 138674 | 48 secs | 2000s | Charlotte Bay, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS two train engines along track through sugar cane field and WS of light aircraft taking off. CUs farmer Dick Camilleri in plane and MS of him sitting with Jason Aridis from Cardwell Shire Catchment Management Association looking at map on their knees. CU pilot's hand on controls and MS of Camilleri and Aridis looking out window over drains in landscape below.
Access No. 138675 | 33 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS stream and tilt to tranquil river. High angle GS of men measuring depth of lagoon water with bamboo pole. GS men with dog walking around silted lagoon system. MS farmer Dick Camilleri and project manager Andrew Morgan from Water Management Scheme showing local contractor the plans for a settlement trap. CU plan and MS men talking. MS Morgan speaking at length to camera about future steps needed to enable responsible sugar cane farming whilst protecting the reef. Interview with Camilleri.
Access No. 138676 | 2 mins 50 secs | 2000s | Tully, Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS pan from utes parked on dirt road across tilled farmland to LS mountains in mist. Underwater track over coral reef and good CU of small yellow fish swimming around pink branch coral. MS interview with reef ecologist Dr Katherina Fabricius about the need for caution with the way coral reefs are treated. WS scuba divers over coral and supered text estimating the rate at which the worlds coral reefs will die.
Access No. 138677 | 5 mins 40 secs | 2000s | Qld, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS satellite image sequences showing the tracking system used by scientists to locate higher than normal sea surface temperatures (sea temperature mosaics).
Access No. 138679 | 16 secs | 2000s | Australia | © NOAA NESDIS | Colour |