Title Details

Troubled Minds - The Lithium Revolution

When Australian doctor John Cade discovered a drug treatment for bi-polar disorder, he revolutionised the way we treat mental illness.
Year : 2002 | Total Duration : 52 Minutes | Producer : John Lewis
Director : Dennis K Smith |
Opening montage. Soft focus re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of doors along hospital corridor as nurse in starched apron and veil looks through observation window. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University.
Access No. 140705 | 7 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. B&W tracking WS through wire fence to patients milling in psychiatric hospital grounds. Split screen with re-enactment of Dr. John Cade speaking about the stigma of mental illness.
Access No. 141031 | 15 secs | Various | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. Re-enactment of Dr. John Cade speaking about the stigma of mental illness.
Access No. 141032 | 3 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. Quick B&W shot of a plane in flight exploding.
Access No. 141033 | 1 sec | 1940s | © NFSA | B&W |
Opening montage. CU quick zoom to ECU of wrinkled old man's eye as it opens (aged Dr. John Cade).
Access No. 141034 | 1 sec | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. Quick B&W WS of soldiers hurrying along path in front of war torn landscape with small hut and battered palm trees. B&W WS of soldiers in line walking through barren landscape with overlay and dissolve to following re-enactment shot.
Access No. 141035 | 1 sec | 1940s | © NFSA | B&W |
Opening montage. Overlay and dissolve from previous archival shot to re-enactment CU of sleeping patient (aged Dr. John Cade) wearing oxygen mask in hospital bed (set circa 1980). Dissolve to next shot.
Access No. 141036 | 1 sec | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. Dissolve from previous re-enactment shot to B&W GS of explosion with overlay of silhouette of Japanese soldier raising sword and striking down. Dissolve to next shot.
Access No. 141037 | 4 secs | Unknown | © NFSA | B&W |
Opening montage. Dissolve from previous archival shot to CU of B&W still portrait of young Dr. John Cade. Zoom out and dissolve to next shot.
Access No. 141038 | 7 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
Opening montage. Dissolve from previous archival still to red-tinted soft focus re-enactment MS of struggling psychiatric patient strapped onto bed (set circa 1940s).
Access No. 141039 | 2 secs | 2000s | Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) on the lack of pharmaceutical treatments for mental illness at the time Dr. Cade reported on lithium.
Access No. 141040 | 7 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. B&W still of Dr. John Cade in graduation robes split screen with reenactment GS of Dr. John Cade writing at desk (set circa 1940s). Overlay with re-enactment CU of hand writing letter.
Access No. 141041 | 4 secs | Various | © Cade Family and NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. Dissolve from previous shot to B&W still of young Dr. John Cade leaning against a gate.
Access No. 141042 | 5 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
Opening montage. Re-enactment (set circa 1980). CU of crucifix mounted on white wall. Tilt down to hospital bed head with sign reading 'Cade, J' and down to patient (aged Dr. John Cade) sleeping in bed with oxygen mask. Overlay CU of typed document. Audio features Dr. John Cade talking about his medical qualifications as performed in re-enactment.
Access No. 141043 | 10 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
Opening montage. Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of Dr. John Cade reading, pan down to his hands holding book then picking up pen and writing. MS of Dr. Cade writing with green lamp on desk. Titles start over pan from Dr. Cade's hands to CU of open book featuring periodic table of elements. Program title over ECU of tip of pen writing on paper.
Access No. 141044 | 42 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage of psychiatric hospital. CU of lock in mesh wire gate as it is opened. WS of doctor in white coat walking through gate into concrete yard and greeting waiting patients. Dissolve to next shot.
Access No. 141045 | 4 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Soft focus re-enactment (set circa 1940s) WS of two small boys running between the beds of empty hospital ward. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University.
Access No. 141046 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W still portrait of young Cade family with close ups on faces of children Jack and David Cade.
Access No. 141047 | 11 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
Two shot studio interview with brothers Prof. Jack Cade and Dr. David Cade on growing up in the psychiatric hospital where their father Dr. John Cade worked.
Access No. 141048 | 33 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage of Royal Park psychiatric hospital. WS of two nurses in veils and capes walking past brick building. Closer panning shot of nurses as they walk past two other nurses through building entrance. Pan up to sign over door reading 'Royal Park Hospital'.
Access No. 141049 | 10 secs | 1960s | Parkville, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Soft focus re-enactment (set circa 1940s). LS of nurse in white veil tucking blanket into hospital bed. WS of row of hospital beds as two boys (Jack and Davey Cade) walk past holding hands. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141050 | 14 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview continued with Dr. David Cade on the general fear of psychiatric patients when he was young.
Access No. 141051 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage of psychiatric hospital. WS of male patient sitting hunched over on outdoor bench in concrete yard. GS of male patient standing on lawn in fenced hospital grounds, wearing overalls with stooped posture. Other patients stand in shade in background. WS of federation style hospital building as nurse in white veil walks past.
Access No. 141052 | 8 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Slow pan up B&W still of Dr. John Cade in graduation robes standing with wife (as seen previously at 10:01:08:00).
Access No. 141053 | 8 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
B&W high angle GS of Australian troops wearing slouch hats marching past camera with rifles over shoulders.
Access No. 141054 | 3 secs | Unknown | © NFSA | B&W |
B&W footage of soldiers disembarking from large troopship in Port Moresby harbour after returning from the Middle East. High angle WS of ship with troops milling around. Low angle GS of side of ship with troops lined up along railings. Soldiers walk down gang plank in foreground.
Access No. 141055 | 4 secs | 1940s | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Slow pan up B&W still of Dr. John Cade in army uniform.
Access No. 141056 | 2 secs | 1940s | © Cade family | B&W |
MS studio interview continued with Prof. Jack Cade on his father John Cade being captured during WWII and sent to Changi as a POW.
Access No. 141057 | 29 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W WWII footage of Changi prisoner of war camp. High angle WS of Singapore covered in smoke. High angle WS of Changi POW camp. LS of POW men crowded into nissan hut at Changi, sitting on bunks. GS pan across men sitting on floor smoking and playing cards. MS of shirtless men setting up equipment in makeshift hospital. VS of emaciated Australian prisoners, including Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop. High angle WS of camp - footage most likely shot after the liberation of the camp in 1945.
Access No. 141058 | 30 secs | 1940s | Changi, Singapore | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Slow pan up B&W still of Dr. John Cade in army uniform (sitting for soldier group portrait).
Access No. 141059 | 5 secs | 1940s | © Cade family | B&W |
MS studio interview with Dr. Ann Westmore (Medical Historian) on Dr. Cade's work in the psychiatric ward at Changi POW camp.
Access No. 141060 | 7 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Slow zoom in on B&W still of Dr. John Cade in army uniform (sitting for soldier group portrait) as seen previously at 10:04:58:08.
Access No. 141061 | 8 secs | 1940s | © Cade family | B&W |
B&W WWII footage of Changi prisoner of war camp. VS of POW men serving food to line of other POW men at outdoor bench. GS of man using spade to scoop food out of a bathtub and into a drum. Audio features interview with Prof. Jack Cade on the conditions in the camp, with prisoners being forced to eat grass and vermin.
Access No. 141062 | 13 secs | 1940s | Changi, Singapore | © Australian War Memorial | B&W |
MS studio interview continued with Prof. Jack Cade on the mental and physical effects of starvation at Changi POW camp.
Access No. 141063 | 11 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W WWII footage of Changi prisoner of war camp. MS of kneeling POW man using a bowl to scoop sloppy food from a bathtub into a drum. GS of three POWs, one holding half a coconut, one scraping the husk off a coconut, one working with mortar and pestle.
Access No. 141064 | 4 secs | 1940s | Changi, Singapore | © Australian War Memorial | B&W |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of two boots walking on concrete in rain. Low angle MS of armed WWII soldier on sentry duty in rain with Japanese flag in background. Dissolve to CU of naked light bulb, tilt down to Dr. John Cade standing over covered cadaver against black background. He pulls back sheet, places candle beside cadaver, picks up scalpel. CU of cadaver as scalpel moves to forehead, pan to sketches of brains in notebook beside it. ECU of typed Cade quote. ECU of pen writing on paper. Soft focus LS of Cade and cadaver. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141065 | 51 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview continued with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) on Dr. John Cade's belief that psychiatric illness has a physical basis to it.
Access No. 141066 | 17 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W WWII footage of Changi prisoner of war camp. WS of POW man helping another prisoner into his jacket with laundry hanging on lines around them. WS pan across group of POWs smiling and waving at camera. GS pan across POWs in communal shower.
Access No. 141067 | 16 secs | 1940s | Changi, Singapore | © Australian War Memorial | B&W |
MS studio interview with Prof. Jack Cade continued. MS studio interview with Dr. David Cade continued. They talk about their father's (Dr. John Cade) ill health on his return from Changi POW camp.
Access No. 141068 | 26 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of small boy (Davey Cade) hiding behind mother's hips with silhouette of man in background. MS pan of Dr. John Cade entering room and approaching two sleeping boys (Davey and Jack Cade) in bed. He tucks them in and switches off lamp.
Access No. 141070 | 21 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) on Dr. John Cade's desire to find a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141071 | 9 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Slow zoom in on B&W still portrait of Dr. John Cade, as seen previously at 10:00:50:24.
Access No. 141072 | 13 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
B&W archival footage of psychiatric hospital. WS of steel entrance gate in wall. CU of chain and padlock on gate. LS of row of tables in front of wall with series of doors. Low angle GS of rudimentary shower head, tilt down to mouldy shower recess. CU of cracked, squalid toilet. GS of patient sleeping on mattress on floor beside cracked wall in decrepit room. Male voice over describes the poor conditions found in psychiatric hospitals.
Access No. 141073 | 20 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS studio interview with Prof. Jack Cade continued. He talks about the limited treatments available to the mentally ill in the 1940s.
Access No. 141074 | 18 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Soft focus MS from behind boy approaching ajar door. Low angle reverse of two small boys (Davey and Jack Cade) peering through open door. Quick pan across to psychiatric patient strapped to bed, thrashing against restraints. Dissolve to WS of boys running away from door and down corridor. Slow-motion CU of patient convulsing. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141075 | 18 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview continued with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) on Dr. John Cade's research into death by psychotic exhaustion.
Access No. 141076 | 16 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of flailing hand strapped to bed. High angle WS of doctor strapping patient to tatty bed in bare room. Nurse in white veil arrives to force feed patient. Overlay typed text of Cade's writings. MS of Dr. John Cade writing at desk. Soft focus CU of patient thrashing as nurse pours liquid food into his mouth. ECU of pen writing on paper. High angle CU of nurse force feeding patient. Soft focus GS of doctor exiting room and nurse closing door behind him. LS of corridor as nurse looks through observation window. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141077 | 40 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Dr. Margaret Leggatt (Founder, SANE Australia) about the limited treatment options available in psychiatric institutions in the past.
Access No. 141078 | 19 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of legs dressed in striped pyjamas, slow pan up body to reveal man strapped to tatty hospital bed. He breathes heavily, his face is sweaty. Soft focus MS of nurse in white veil beside isolation cell door with observation window. She looks at her clipboard and walks away. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141079 | 18 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh). He compares the standard of care available in psychiatric hospitals in Australia at that time (1940s) to that available overseas.
Access No. 141080 | 15 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
Slow zoom out on B&W still WS of empty psychiatric hospital ward crowded with rows of beds.
Access No. 141081 | 19 secs | Unknown | © Royal Melbourne Hospital Library | B&W |
MS studio interview continued with Dr. Ann Westmore (Medical Historian). She describes psychiatric care in the past being custodial management, rather than active treatment.
Access No. 141082 | 5 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage of psychiatric hospital. WS of fenced hospital grounds, with shade of large tree (similar to shot seen previously at 10:03:34:01). An old male patient walks towards camera as others mill in background. WS of patients milling around wire fence in concrete yard with LS to hospital buildings. Pan with one patient as he walks away from fence and turns back again. MS of older male patient standing in yard hunched over and staring at ground as other patients mill in background. Tilt down to his feet.
Access No. 141083 | 16 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). GS of nurse in white veil wiping the body of dead patient lying on bed. Dr. John Cade enters and sits beside bed. CU of doctor's hand writing with pen, pan up to Dr. Cade's face. MS of Cade writing with dead patient in foreground. Overlay hand writing 'manic exhaustion' on death certificate. CU of header on Victorian death certificate. WS pan across exterior of hospital at dawn with dark buildings silhouetted against pale blue sky. Overlay CU pan across concrete floor. ECU tip of pen writing on paper. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141084 | 49 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of moonlit face of psychiatric patient William Brand (The Monkey) as he wakes with a start and recites his name, WWI rank and serial number. Tracking MS from hospital corridor as Dr. John Cade approaches through ward, talking to following group of students. Pan as Cade crosses corridor to bottom of stairs, followed by students. WS of patient The Monkey tiptoeing across paved courtyard, trying not to step on the cracks. Two boys (Jack and Davey Cade) follow behind, mimicking him. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141085 | 47 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Prof. Jack Cade continued. He talks about one of his father's (Dr. John Cade) patients, William Brand - 'The Monkey'.
Access No. 141086 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of two boys, Jack and Davey Cade, playing with psychiatric patient The Monkey at the corner of a building beside overgrown garden. The Monkey walks with Jack balancing on his feet. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141087 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Dr. David Cade continued. He talks about one of his father's (Dr. John Cade) patients, William Brand - 'The Monkey'.
Access No. 141088 | 7 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of psychiatric patient William Brand (The Monkey) sitting on garden bench as two boys, Jack and Davey Cade, approach and sit down. CU of The Monkey's hand holding brown paper bag of humbug boiled lollies as children's hands take one each. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141089 | 14 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Two shot studio interview with brothers Prof. Jack Cade and Dr. David Cade continued. They talk about one of their father's (Dr. John Cade) patients, William Brand - 'The Monkey'.
Access No. 141090 | 10 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of psychiatric patient William Brand (The Monkey) sitting on garden bench with two boys, Jack and Davey Cade. He offers them humbug boiled lollies, telling them the juice is poison. The Monkey puts a humbug in his mouth and spits saliva onto the ground as he sucks it. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141091 | 17 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Two shot studio interview with brothers Prof. Jack Cade and Dr. David Cade continued. They talk about one of their father's (Dr. John Cade) patients, William Brand - 'The Monkey'.
Access No. 141092 | 16 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of two boys, Jack and Davey Cade, and psychiatric patient The Monkey sitting on garden bench. They lean forward and let saliva dribble onto ground as they suck humbug lollies. WS from hospital corridor through window to ECT room as orderly and nurse lie The Monkey on a bed. Dr. John Cade enters, followed by group of students. VS of The Monkey being prepared for electroconvulsive therapy- temples wiped, bite block placed in mouth. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141093 | 26 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS studio interview with Dr. Margaret Leggatt (Founder, SANE Australia) continued. She has vivid memories of ECT- Electroconvulsive Therapy.
Access No. 141094 | 7 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of Dr. John Cade and psychiatric nurse and orderly administering ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) to William Brand (The Monkey). CU of machine dial being turned. Nurse places dumbbell shaped temporal electrodes on The Monkey's temples, he convulses. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141095 | 16 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage of psychiatric hospital. Dissolve from previous re-enactment shot to WS of row of hospital beds with doctor and nurses attending to patient. High angle CU of patient on bed. Her temples are wiped with cotton wool in preparation for electroconvulsive therapy.
Access No. 141096 | 8 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
MS studio interview with Dr. Margaret Leggatt (Founder, SANE Australia) continued. She describes the process used for electroconvulsive therapy when she was a psychiatric nurse.
Access No. 141097 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage of psychiatric hospital. CU of black box ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) machine sitting on trolley. Pan down to doctor's hands wetting the temporal electrode sponges in bowl of water sitting on tray beneath.
Access No. 141098 | 6 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Slow zoom out on B&W still of psychiatric doctor and nurse administering electroconvulsive therapy to patient (or possibly a dummy demonstration) as group of students watch on.
Access No. 141099 | 8 secs | Unknown | © Royal Melbourne Hospital Library | B&W |
MS studio interview with Dr. Margaret Leggatt (Founder, SANE Australia) continued. She describes the process used for electroconvulsive therapy when she was a psychiatric nurse.
Access No. 141100 | 15 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Soft focus re-enactment GS of patient (The Monkey) convulsing whilst undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. Dissolve to next shot (B&W still). Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141101 | 3 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Dissolve from previous re-enactment shot to B&W still of psychiatric doctor and group of students huddled around electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machine. Overlay with re-enactment shot of hand turning dial on ECT machine.
Access No. 141102 | 9 secs | Unknown | © Royal Melbourne Hospital Library and NFSA | B&W |
MS studio interview with Dr. Margaret Leggatt (Founder, SANE Australia) continued. She describes the process used for electroconvulsive therapy when she was a psychiatric nurse.
Access No. 141103 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). High angle CU of psychiatric patient The Monkey convulsing whilst undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. He has bite block in his mouth and nurses hands holding dumbbell shaped temporal electrodes to his head, another hand holding his chin steady. CU of Dr. John Cade watching on. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141104 | 7 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Dissolve from previous re-enactment shot to B&W still portrait of Dr. John Cade (as seen previously at 10:00:50:24 and 10:08:07:21). Dissolve to following re-enactment shot.
Access No. 141105 | 2 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). High angle CU of psychiatric patient The Monkey convulsing whilst undergoing electroconvulsive therapy continued. He has bite block in his mouth and nurses hands holding dumbbell shaped temporal electrodes to his head, another hand holding his chin steady. The electrodes are removed. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141106 | 7 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview continued with Dr. Ann Westmore (Medical Historian). She believes Dr. John Cade desired a better alternative to electroconvulsive therapy in treating psychiatric illnesses.
Access No. 141107 | 10 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of two boys, Jack and Davey Cade, sitting in garden beside backdoor of house with wooden crates on the ground around them. They drop blades of grass into one crate. Dr. John Cade walks past carrying another crate and enters house. CU through slats in wooden crate to guinea pigs inside. Dissolve to CU of Cade in profile, pan down to guinea pig he is nursing and patting.
Access No. 141108 | 20 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's limited research budget in his search for a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141109 | 11 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Pan across B&W still of jars and bottles lining windowsill in Dr. John Cade's laboratory in Bundoora Repatriation Hospital.
Access No. 141110 | 4 secs | 1940s | Bundoora, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © Cade family | B&W |
CU of guinea pig peering through slats in wooden crate.
Access No. 141111 | 1 sec | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's early research into a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141112 | 9 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W archival footage of psychiatric hospital. MS of old male patient standing in hospital grounds with other patients milling around, tilt down his legs. CU face of another old male patient, pan down to hands working with small screwdriver. CU of male patient sorting something on tabletop (possibly doing craft activity) and quick WS of patients sitting around table in front of doctor writing on blackboard with overlay of text in following shot.
Access No. 141113 | 9 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Dissolve from previous archival footage to CU of text from scientific research paper by Dr. John Cade with heading 'A Toxic Factor in Urine'.
Access No. 141114 | 8 secs | 1940s | © Australasian Medical Publishing Company Ltd. | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of urine filling glass jar. WS of ward in psychiatric hospital with empty beds. A patient in striped pyjamas stands in corner with back to camera, urinating into jar. Nurse in white veil waits nearby. CU of patient's face with nurse over shoulder. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141115 | 8 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes the symptoms of bipolar disorder (manic depression).
Access No. 141116 | 25 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of ward in psychiatric hospital with empty beds. Patient in striped pyjamas hands jar filled with urine to nurse in white veil. She places it with others in wire milk bottle basket and walks away. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141117 | 7 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) continued. He describes his diagnosis with bipolar disorder.
Access No. 141118 | 24 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of two newspaper articles side by side, with photograph of Neil Cole (when an MP), and headline 'Cole set to lose his seat'. Audio features interview with Cole about his battle with bipolar disorder.
Access No. 141119 | 15 secs | 1990s | © The Age | Colour |
MS studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) continued. He talks about his diagnosis with bipolar disorder ending his political career.
Access No. 141120 | 5 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). LS of psychiatric hospital corridor with shafts of light filtering through windows. Nurse in white veil walks toward camera carrying jars of urine samples in wire milk bottle basket. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141121 | 9 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) continued. He describes the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Access No. 141122 | 20 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Panning WS of verandah along exterior of psychiatric hospital building as nurse in white veil walks carrying jars of urine samples in wire milk bottle basket. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141123 | 5 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) continued. He describes the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Access No. 141124 | 12 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Panning WS of verandah along exterior of psychiatric hospital building as nurse in white veil walks carrying jars of urine samples in wire milk bottle basket. Pull back to WS of building with garden surrounds as nurse continues. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141125 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) continued. He describes the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Access No. 141126 | 18 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of brick house and front garden with psychiatric patient The Monkey mowing lawn. VS of nurse in white veil walking to front door carrying urine samples in wire milk bottle basket. VS of Mrs. Cade taking jars at door and delivering them to Dr. John Cade at desk. ECU of pen tip writing on paper. GS of Periodic Table of the Elements mounted on large board on wall. Pan with Cade entering and filling syringe with urine from sample. He takes guinea pig from wooden crate and injects urine into it's stomach.
Access No. 141127 | 1 min 23 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's research methods in his search for a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141128 | 17 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of row of urine in hand labelled glass milk bottles on shelf in fridge door. MS of Mrs. Cade inspecting bottle of urine with two boys (Jack and Davey Cade) sitting in foreground. She shakes her head and puts bottle back in fridge. CU of Davey Cade sitting at table. GS of Dr. John Cade in laboratory. Overlay pen tip writing on paper as Cade walks to foreground and places stiff dead guinea pig on bench. CU of label being attached to dead guinea pig's leg. GS of Cade putting dead guinea pig on shelf with row of others.
Access No. 141129 | 28 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's research methods in his search for a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141130 | 18 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of Dr. John Cade, tilt down to guinea pig in his hand. He puts it down and writes in notebook.
Access No. 141131 | 14 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's research methods in his search for a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141132 | 7 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of beaker of milky fluid and brown glass jar on bench top. A hand stirs the beaker with long spoon. Dissolve to syringe filling from beaker. Dissolve to same shot with soft focus Dr. John Cade in background picking up guinea pig and injecting it. Dissolve to hand putting syringe on bench top, picking up pen and writing in book. Overlay CU of pen tip writing on paper.
Access No. 141133 | 34 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's research methods in his search for a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141134 | 17 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Low angle GS of Dr. John Cade holding guinea pig as two boys (Jack and Davey Cade) look up at him. WS of laboratory as Cade and children put guinea pig in cage. Cade walks to bench in foreground and sits to write in book. Dissolve to CU of black guinea pig through chicken wire mesh, pan to ginger guinea pig beside it. CU of hands writing, tilt up to Dr. John Cade. Repeat CU of ginger guinea pig. Audio features Cade's description of the effects of lithium on guinea pigs as performed in re-enactment.
Access No. 141135 | 44 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Maxwell Bennett AO (University of Sydney) on Dr. John Cade's research into the possibility of lithium as a treatment for manic psychiatric conditions.
Access No. 141136 | 18 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Low angle WS of brick hospital building with psychiatric patient in dressing gown sitting on chair on lawn in foreground. In background Dr. John Cade leads group of medical students in white coats towards patient. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141137 | 9 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's research methods in his search for a cure for manic depression.
Access No. 141138 | 10 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Low angle WS of brick hospital building with psychiatric patient in dressing gown sitting on chair on lawn, surrounded by Dr. John Cade and group of medical students in white coats. Cade holds the patient's hands for students to observe. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141139 | 13 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Edmond Chiu (University of Melbourne, also former student of Dr. John Cade). He talks about Dr. John Cade's dislike of psychoanalytic theory.
Access No. 141140 | 19 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Slow pan down CU of cover of Dr. John Cade's book 'Mending the Mind - A Short History of Twentieth Century Psychiatry'. Dissolve to next re-enactment shot.
Access No. 141141 | 8 secs | 2000s | © Pan Macmillan Australia Pty. Ltd. | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Dissolve from previous shot to VS of Dr. John Cade speaking from podium about his disapproval of Freudian psychology to assembly of men in suits. CUs of disgruntled men in audience. CU of guinea pigs under chicken wire mesh in wooden crate. Hands pick up one guinea pig, tilt up to Cade. Dissolve to next shot. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141142 | 39 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Dissolve from previous shot to CU of Dr. John Cade continuing to talk about his disapproval of Freudian psychology split screen with VS of female psychiatric patient sitting hunched over on bed in bare room. Split screen continued with CU of hands holding guinea pig, tilt up to Cade. Split screen continued with soft focus low angle GS of female patient. Split screen continued with GS through windows to Cade leading medical students through psychiatric ward. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141143 | 24 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Edmond Chiu (University of Melbourne, also former student of Dr. John Cade) continued. He talks about his desire as a student to train under Dr. John Cade.
Access No. 141144 | 11 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of Dr. John Cade leading group of medical students in white coats into psychiatric ward. They pass an empty bed frame. MS of group of students taking notes on clipboards. VS of Cade holding out female psychiatric patient's hand and describing to students his method of diagnosis by the condition of the hands. Includes CU of hand. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141145 | 36 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU studio interview with Professor Edmond Chiu (University of Melbourne, also former student of Dr. John Cade) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's method of diagnosis by looking at the condition of the patient's hands.
Access No. 141146 | 20 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of Dr. John Cade leaning over female psychiatric patient, soft focus. Tracking LS down hallway of Cade taking notes beside body on trolley. Split screen with CU of Cade speaking about effects of manic depression. GS of dead female patient lying on trolley. Track down body as nurse stuffs cotton wool in her nostrils, crosses arms over chest and attaches tag to foot. GS of Cade standing beside wall with periodic table of elements and shelf with bottles of urine. He examines guinea pig and writes notes. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141147 | 59 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Prof. Jack Cade continued. He talks about his father (Dr. John Cade) testing lithium on himself.
Access No. 141148 | 9 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). MS of Dr. John Cade drinking a shot of milk (with lithium) from a small glass beaker. Overlay CU of pen tip writing on paper. Cade takes a sip of water.
Access No. 141149 | 21 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview continued with Dr. David Cade. He talks about his father's (Dr. John Cade) tendency to avoid taking medication himself.
Access No. 141150 | 15 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). MS of Dr. John Cade drinking a shot of milk (with lithium).
Access No. 141151 | 3 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview continued with Dr. David Cade. He describes the effect lithium had on his father Dr. John Cade when he administered it to himself as a trial.
Access No. 141152 | 9 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Soft focus WS of front garden of brick house as Mrs. Cade enters through gate.
Access No. 141153 | 3 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Slow zoom in on B&W still of young Cade family sitting outside.
Access No. 141154 | 3 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). CU of psychiatric patient The Monkey drinking a shot of milk (with lithium) from glass beaker, followed by a sip of water. He smiles at camera. Dissolve to next shot. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141155 | 20 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of text from The Medical Journal of Australia 3/9/1949 with heading 'Lithium Salts in the Treatment of Psychotic Excitement'.
Access No. 141156 | 6 secs | 1940s | © Australasian Medical Publishing Company Ltd. | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's success with lithium during a trial on psychiatric patients with mania.
Access No. 141157 | 25 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of psychiatric patients in dressing gowns sitting along verandah outside brick hospital building. Dr. John Cade arrives with group of medical students in white coats. He chats to patient The Monkey. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141158 | 12 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of text with heading 'Case Histories' from scientific research paper on lithium by Dr. John Cade.
Access No. 141159 | 5 secs | 1940s | © Australasian Medical Publishing Company Ltd. | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of Dr. John Cade chatting to psychiatric patient The Monkey on verandah outside brick hospital building with group of medical students in white coats watching on. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141160 | 17 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Two shot studio interview with brothers Prof. Jack Cade and Dr. David Cade continued. They talk about one of their father's (Dr. John Cade) patients, William Brand - 'The Monkey' and his successful treatment with lithium.
Access No. 141161 | 26 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). GS of Dr. John Cade walking away from psychiatric patient The Monkey to chat to patient beside him on verandah outside brick hospital building. A group of medical students in white coats follow. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141162 | 6 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Dissolve from previous shot to CU of text detailing a patient's case history from scientific research paper on lithium by Dr. John Cade. Dissolve to next shot.
Access No. 141163 | 3 secs | 1940s | © Australasian Medical Publishing Company Ltd. | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of Dr. John Cade chatting to psychiatric patient on verandah outside brick hospital building with group of medical students in white coats watching. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141164 | 19 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Maxwell Bennett AO (University of Sydney) continued. He talks about Dr. John Cade's hope that lithium could replace frontal lobotomies in the treatment of manic patients.
Access No. 141165 | 22 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of Dr. John Cade chatting to psychiatric patient on verandah outside brick hospital building with group of medical students in white coats watching. Overlay typed text reading "employment for three months". VS of Cade talking to another patient lying on chair with book and cigarette. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141166 | 49 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's lithium discovery at a time when no other pharmacological therapies existed for psychiatric disease.
Access No. 141167 | 28 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). MS of two male psychiatric patients sitting at table. Dissolve to CU of text "toxic" with freeze frame of Dr. John Cade. Dissolve back to freeze frame of patients at table. LS of patients sitting on hospital verandah as Dr. John Cade and group of medical students walk away. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141168 | 22 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's lithium discovery as the beginning of the psychopharmacological revolution.
Access No. 141169 | 17 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Maxwell Bennett AO (University of Sydney) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's lithium discovery as revolutionising the treatment of psychiatric illnesses.
Access No. 141170 | 26 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS of exterior of large federation style hospital building (Mont Park) in bluish light at nightfall. Windows are illuminated from inside. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141173 | 19 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Neil Cole (Playwright - 'Dr. Cade', and former MP) continued. He talks about his own success using lithium to treat his bipolar disorder.
Access No. 141174 | 30 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of empty moonlit hospital ward as Dr. John Cade walks through. High angle WS of moonlit stairwell as Cade walks up. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141175 | 13 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU studio interview with Dr. Margaret Leggatt (Founder, SANE Australia) continued. She talks about the discovery of pharmaceuticals to treat psychiatric disorders.
Access No. 141176 | 11 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of doorway to moonlit hospital corridor as struggling psychiatric patient The Monkey is dragged through by orderlies. Dr. John Cade follows and stands in door frame looking after them. Pan as Cade turns and walks through another door to moonlit waiting room. WS through window to waiting room where Cade shakes man's hand (The Monkey's brother). They chat then exit room together. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141177 | 41 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes patient noncompliance as being one of lithium's major limitations.
Access No. 141178 | 17 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Slow-motion CU and MS of Dr. John Cade watching psychiatric patient The Monkey drinking small beaker of milk (with lithium) in bright white room. GS of lit fireplace, pan to CU of desktop with hand writing in notebook, tilt up to CU of Cade. Tracking GS from foot to head of bed with Monkey lying ill. He vomits over edge. Soft focus slow-motion LS of Cade silhouetted in hospital doorway. Dissolve to freeze frame split screen on white background with CU and MS of Monkey with lithium. CU of Cade writing at desk.
Access No. 141179 | 1 min 8 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor David Copolov (Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria). He talks about Dr. John Cade's lithium discovery coinciding with lithium related deaths in the USA.
Access No. 141180 | 12 secs | 2000s | Fitzroy, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of text with headline 'Case of the Substitute Salt' from newspaper article about lithium being used as a salt substitute for people with high blood pressure.
Access No. 141181 | 7 secs | 1940s | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) continued. He talks about lithium chloride being used as a salt substitute for people with high blood pressure in the USA.
Access No. 141182 | 26 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of newspaper article headline 'City Stops the Sale of Salt Substitute'. CU of text 'More Deadly Salt Sealed. Health Inspectors Push Drive to End Substitute Sale'.
Access No. 141183 | 10 secs | 1940s | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
CU of text headline 'Salt Substitute Kills 4, AMA Says... Food and Drug Administration Warns Lithium Chloride is a 'Dangerous Poison''.
Access No. 141185 | 6 secs | 1940s | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS though glass door labelled 'Coroners Court' to Dr. John Cade speaking at podium to room of men in suits. WS pan from Coroner behind bench to Cade at podium. Low angle GS through audience to Cade on podium. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141186 | 19 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He talks about the guesswork involved in deciding on dosage levels for early lithium use.
Access No. 141187 | 12 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of Coroner speaking about lithium related deaths from bench in Coroners Court. Audience of men in suits watching, including Dr. John Cade. Cade is tapped on shoulder and given note. Low angle GS of floor and wooden church pews as legs walk past. GS of coffin in corner of room with brightly lit window and crucifix on wall. Cade walks past camera and looks at coffin. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141188 | 43 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). Low angle GS of soles of feet labelled 'William Brand' (The Monkey). Tilt up to reveal nurse in white veil washing Monkey's dead body, lying naked face-down on trolley. High angle GS of nurse washing body. Dissolve to CU of match lighting candle and then to GS of top of coffin with bouquet of pink native flowers and gum leaves. Dissolve to slow-motion GS of nurse turning body over split screen with CU of lit candle. Filmed at Mont Park Hospital, La Trobe University
Access No. 141189 | 36 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). MS and CU of Dr. John Cade gazing out tram window as it passes a railway bridge. Window is wood framed and Cade wears 1940s felt hat.
Access No. 141190 | 16 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of newspaper headline 'Deaths... Dr. J. F. Cade...'
Access No. 141191 | 3 secs | 1940s | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
CU studio interview continued with Dr. Ann Westmore (Medical Historian). She talks about deaths related to lithium toxicity in early use of the drug.
Access No. 141192 | 11 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). WS of entrance to the School of Chemistry building at the University of Melbourne as Dr. John Cade enters.
Access No. 141193 | 10 secs | 2000s | University of Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of article heading 'Excretion and Retention of Ingested Lithium and its Effect on the Ionic Balance of Man' with authors listed, including Sam Gershon.
Access No. 141195 | 6 secs | 1950s | © Australasian Medical Publishing Company Ltd. | Colour |
B&W still of Sam Gershon (with Medical Journal of Australia article from previous shot in background).
Access No. 141196 | 5 secs | Unknown | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
MS studio interview continued with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) on flame photometry.
Access No. 141197 | 7 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). GS through windows in double doors to Dr. John Cade approaching. He removes hat and walks through door. WS of scientists working in chemistry lab with machinery and equipment cluttering bench tops. Scientist loads large dark glass bottles onto trolley in foreground as Cade enters and chats to scientists in background.
Access No. 141198 | 17 secs | 2000s | University of Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W MS still of Sam Gershon speaking into microphone at podium labelled with his name.
Access No. 141199 | 12 secs | Unknown | © International Society for Bipolar Disorders | B&W |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He talks about Professor Sam Gershon's early work in lithium research.
Access No. 141200 | 9 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor David Copolov (Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria). He describes the initial reluctance to use lithium therapeutically in the USA because of lithium related deaths in the late 1940s.
Access No. 141201 | 12 secs | 2000s | Fitzroy, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU pan across press release to heading 'Food and Drug Administration... April 1949, Emergency Warnings'.
Access No. 141202 | 6 secs | 1940s | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) continued. He talks about the USA Food and Drug Administrations reluctance to approve lithium for therapeutic use because of lithium related deaths in the late 1940s.
Access No. 141203 | 12 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
CU pan across text 'Doctors and consumers are warned... lithium chloride is poisonous'.
Access No. 141204 | 8 secs | 1940s | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
MS studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) continued. He talks about the USA Food and Drug Administrations reluctance to approve lithium for therapeutic use because of lithium related deaths in the late 1940s.
Access No. 141205 | 5 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes the lack of pharmaceutical industry interest in lithium because it could not be patented.
Access No. 141206 | 14 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W still of Dr. John Cade in hospital staff meeting. Doctors and nurses sit in circle of chairs. Zoom in on Cade.
Access No. 141207 | 14 secs | Unknown | © Royal Melbourne Hospital Library | B&W |
ECU studio interview with Prof. Jack Cade continued. He talks about Mogens Schou and his role in the international recognition of lithium.
Access No. 141208 | 8 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W still of Mogens Schou (with CU of scientific article from next shot in background).
Access No. 141209 | 8 secs | Unknown | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
CU of title of scientific article "Prophylactic Lithium" with authors listed including Mogens Schou.
Access No. 141210 | 13 secs | 1960s | © Elsevier Ltd. | B&W |
CU studio interview with Prof. Graham Burrows (University of Melbourne). He talks about Mogens Schou and his role in the international recognition of lithium.
Access No. 141211 | 15 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). VS of Dr. John Cade in suit and bow tie speaking at microphone on small stage to audience in dimly lit room. He talks about Mogens Schou's blind trials of lithium. Danish, American and Australian flags hang on stage behind him. Audience in formal wear seated at round candlelit tables (including Mogens Schou). They stand to applaud at end of speech.
Access No. 141212 | 23 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of newspaper article on the 1974 Kittay Scientific Foundation award co-recipients Dr. John Cade and Dr. Mogens Schou for their work with lithium.
Access No. 141213 | 5 secs | 1970s | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). GS of man presenting framed certificate (Kittay Scientific prize) to Dr. John Cade and Mogens Schou as photographic camera flashes. All in formal wear with Danish, American and Australian flags hanging behind them.
Access No. 141214 | 6 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
CU studio interview with Professor David Copolov (Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria) continued. He talks about Dr. John Cade's failure to pursue his findings on lithium.
Access No. 141215 | 12 secs | 2000s | Fitzroy, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). MS of Dr. John Cade and Mogens Schou on stage wearing suits and holding framed certificate (Kittay Scientific prize). They shake hands then smile as if posing for photograph. Camera flashes go off.
Access No. 141216 | 7 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
CU of B&W still of older Dr. John Cade in black rimmed glasses.
Access No. 141217 | 7 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | B&W |
MS studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) continued. He talks about Dr. Mogens Schou pursuing Dr. John Cade's research into lithium.
Access No. 141218 | 7 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W still of Mogens Schou overlaid on CU of scientific article (as seen previously at 10:44:37:05).
Access No. 141219 | 7 secs | Unknown | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
MS studio interview with Prof. Samuel Gershon (University of Pittsburgh) continued. He talks about Dr. Mogens Schou pursuing Dr. John Cade's research into lithium.
Access No. 141220 | 6 secs | 2000s | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA | © NFSA | Colour |
B&W WS still of row of empty beds in decrepit psychiatric hospital ward. A doctor in white coat sits on chair beside bed talking to patient sitting with back to camera.
Access No. 141221 | 8 secs | Unknown | © Royal Melbourne Hospital Library | B&W |
ECU studio interview with Prof. Jack Cade continued. He describes the lack of pharmaceutical industry interest in lithium because it could not be patented.
Access No. 141222 | 26 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Colour 16 mm home movie footage of the Cade family. GS of baby sitting on tricycle in garden. Pan up to older Dr. John Cade (sixties) holding newborn baby beside wife and another woman. GS of Cade and wife walking through garden towards camera holding newborn baby.
Access No. 141223 | 17 secs | Unknown | © Cade family | Colour |
ECU studio interview with Prof. Jack Cade continued. He talks about his father (Dr. John Cade) being a smoker.
Access No. 141224 | 17 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1980). CU of chart at foot of hospital bed. Pan up to patient (aged Dr. John Cade) sleeping in bed wearing oxygen mask.
Access No. 141225 | 12 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
MS studio interview with Professor Philip Mitchell (Head of School of Psychiatry, University of NSW) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's modesty regarding his discovery of lithium.
Access No. 141226 | 17 secs | 2000s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1980). GS of patient (aged Dr. John Cade) wearing oxygen mask sleeping in hospital bed. Sign fixed to head of bed reads 'Cade, J'.
Access No. 141227 | 7 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
CU studio interview with Professor David Copolov (Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria) continued. He describes Dr. John Cade's modesty regarding his discovery of lithium.
Access No. 141228 | 15 secs | 2000s | Fitzroy, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1980). CU of Philips heart monitor. Tilt down to CU profile of patient (aged Dr. John Cade) wearing oxygen mask sleeping in hospital bed. ECU of Cade's closed eyes. Dissolve to CU of heart monitor as red warning light pulses, reading '0'. Dissolve to next shot.
Access No. 141229 | 17 secs | 2000s | © NFSA | Colour |
Dissolve from previous shot to B&W still of Dr. John Cade (as seen previously at 10:01:12:05) split screen with CU of candle flame.
Access No. 141230 | 8 secs | Various | © Cade Family and NFSA | Colour |
ECU studio interview with Dr. David Cade continued. He describes the impact his father's (Dr. John Cade) discovery of lithium had on many people's lives.
Access No. 141231 | 8 secs | 2000s | Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Re-enactment (set circa 1940s). MS of Dr. John Cade sitting at desk smoking cigarette. He stubs cigarette in ashtray and looks at open book in front of him. He closes book and switches off lamp beside it. Pan as he walks out of room and closes door behind him.
Access No. 141232 | 27 secs | 2000s | Travancore, Melbourne, Vic, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |