Title Details

Port Moresby, Territory of Papua and New Guinea

Day in the life of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Series : Australian Colour Diary | Episode : 35 | Year : 1970 | Total Duration : 9 Minutes | Producer : John Martin Jones
Director : Antonio Colacino |
Dog asleep under park bench seat, man hosing, woman washing child at tap, setting up local markets, woven palm baskets, traffic, people in back of trucks, Government Department signs - Department of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries, Bureau of Statistics, Department of Labour, Department of Education, sign Itambu , small mopeds, city buildings, shop signs, native children, boats on harbour, children playing,harbour, buildings, policeman directing traffic, palm huts, Archbishops House, girls in bikinis on beach, group of European teenagers on beach, native families on beach, volleyball game on beach, native women standing in water fishing, huts on stilts in water, markets, nuns shopping in markets, selling dried fish, traffic along water edge, people onto bus and in back open truck, outdoor cafe.
Access No. 44314 | 7 mins 54 secs | 1970s | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |