Title Details

Crusader, The

Follows the pitched battle between the powerful pokies industry and No Pokies crusader Nick Xenophon.
Series : Gamblers, The | Episode : 5 | Year : 1998 | Total Duration : 26.5 Minutes | Producer : Stefan Moore
Director : Catherine Marciniak |
Political candidate Nick Xenophon with colleagues and Director/Cinematographer Catherine Marciniak on the steps of the South Australian Parliament building.   Political candidate Nick Xenophon with colleagues and Director/Cinematographer Catherine Marciniak on the steps of the South Australian Parliament building.
Montage of scenes from the series showing various forms of gambling, racing and people and types of reactions. Opening titles. Track following Nick Xenothon into a recording studio greeting technician. CUs singer in headphones at microphone in studio singing the No Pokies Campaign song. MS photographer outside studio with the other No Pokies candidates walking across street carrying posters for camera.
Access No. 134058 | 1 min 3 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs bright signs advertising pokies and MS Nick Xenophon campaigning in food markets. CU neon sign for pokies and MS campaigners nailing up posters for the No Pokies party. GS attendant walking into poker machine gaming room. MS Xenophon getting out of small aircraft and in conversation with Robin Dixon Thompson, President of SA National Party talking political strategies.
Access No. 134059 | 1 min 3 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
No Pokies campaign bus with Nick Xenophon and fellow campaigner mounting election signs. Interview to camera with Xenophon explaining his anger at the nature in how one of his clients who was intellectually impaired lost his payout on the pokies in his local pub. CU to symbol on No Pokies sign. VS inside pub with MS behind the bar and MS gaming room attendant Michelle talking to elderly customer on poker machine.
Access No. 134060 | 1 min 38 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interview with publican Sue behind bar in pub defending the rights of people to make up their own minds about gambling. Tilt up from hand in tray to woman playing a poker machine. MS barman Chris behind bar talking to camera likening gambling to paying tax. MS attendant at change machine collecting coins in cup.
Access No. 134061 | 58 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
GS car pulling into driveway in front of No Pokies campaign bus and WS car arriving at stone cottage office. MS interview with No Pokies candidate Nick Xenophon seated at desk. VS office workers opening curtains, attending phone calls organising posters, working at filing cabinets. Track past No Pokies campaign bus seen POV back of travelling vehicle. MS Xenophon on hands free mobile phone contacting media about campaign launch.
Access No. 134062 | 59 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS Nick Xenophon on No Pokies campaign bus through Adelaide city streets talking to camera about Tim Costello, Convenor of the National Gambling Veto. WS plane coming in to land at Adelaide Airport. WS Xenophon and Costello boarding No Pokies bus. CU travelling shots white lines on road and MS bus driver. CUs Xenophon and Costello in conversation.
Access No. 134063 | 59 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS exterior of the Australian Hotels' Association with office buildings reflected in glass facade. Track through Association offices with representative Margot McGregor taking link up to radio station 5DN. VS radio announcer Jeremy Cordeaux with No Pokies party representatives Nick Xenophon and Reverend Tim Costello in studio conducting interview with both sides.
Access No. 134064 | 2 mins 19 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
Track along street POV car and MS past No Pokies bus. MS conversation inside bus between Reverend Tim Costello and political candidate Nick Xenophon discussing radio interview. MS Margot McGregor from Australian Hotels Association in Ian Horne's office discussing also interview. CU Xenophon's legs walking and tilt to him handing out leaflets for the No Pokies campaign in shopping centre.
Access No. 134065 | 1 min 4 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS butcher shop display in shopping centre. MS interview with butcher at work talking about how the business has been affected by people buying meals in pubs then losing money on poker machines. CU man chopping piece of meat into small pieces with knife. CUs interviews with shoppers. Terse response from seated woman when approached by Xenophon with his leaflets.
Access No. 134066 | 59 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
WS lottery counter in shopping centre. MS Nick Xenophon and Tim Costello discussing ethical arguments. MS elderly man playing poker machine slapping arm of elderly woman next to him helping herself to his cash tray. VS punters of various ages at poker machines in pubs talking to camera. MS young woman playing pokies. MS interview with gaming room attendant Michelle. CUs poker machine screens and lit up buttons.
Access No. 134067 | 1 min 29 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CU news headlines on pokies losses on television screen and ad narrator for advertisement for the No Pokies Party. MS Nick Xenophon and Tim Costello watching the advertisement on television screen then discussing party funding and sharing a joke. VS inside party headquarters with VS busy workers. VS workers listening to Xenophon going through speech with GS How to Vote flyers being packed into boxes on the day before the election.
Access No. 134068 | 1 min 52 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS interview with No Pokies campaigner Mike about aspects of the issues which concern him. WS receptionist answering phones at Australian Hotel's Association. VS discussion between Margot McGregor and Ian Horne in office denouncing Nick Xenophon and the No Pokies campaigners as zealots. WS Adelaide park with Torrens river in foreground.
Access No. 134069 | 1 min 14 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
CUs people handing out How to Vote cards for the No Pokies Party outside polling booths on election day. CU wheels on campaign bus and MS Nick Xenophon on mobile phone on bus then reporting news from polling booths. MS Xenophon giving volunteer a chocolate bar and can of coke. GS interior of campaign bus. MS Nick in bus. MS track Margot McGregor entering polling booth pointedly taking Democrats How to Vote form only.
Access No. 134070 | 1 min 8 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
MS No Pokies candidate Nick Xenophon casting vote at election booth. MS interview with campaigner Mike talking to cameras optimistic about polling booth experiences. CU television screen showing voting statistics for the Legislative Council SA State elections 1997. No Pokies supporters in campaign tent watching the screen and celebrating optimistic performance thus far.
Access No. 134071 | 55 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA/ABC | Colour |
Pan from election commentator on television screen to Margot McGregor from the Australian Hotel's Association sitting on lounge drinking wine in her home watching. VS Tim Costello, Nick Xenophon and No Pokies campaigners watching Elections broadcast on television from campaign tent. CUs Kerry O'Brien and round up graphics on screen. VS Xenophon in election tally room chatting to man in suit and VS tally board.
Access No. 134072 | 1 min 13 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA/ABC | Colour |
MS Nick Xenophon in election tally room talking to camera about likely election outcomes. CUs to tally board as new counts appear. CUs hands flicking forms counting votes. VS election results being red out by electoral officer in tally room. Xenophon reading results in his office being congratulated. VS reactions in office. Driving through rainy Adelaide city street POV driver. CU Margot McGregor driving while talking to camera.
Access No. 134073 | 2 mins 57 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA/ABC | Colour |
Margot McGregor from the Australian Hotels' Association greeting No Pokies' Nick Xenophon as she enters the television station Green Room. MS Xenophon talking to Ian Horne and CU to McGregor listening in as she brushes her hair. Track of both parties leaving room and walking down studio corridor to studio. WS Control Room with various images of multiple screens.
Access No. 134074 | 48 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © NFSA/ABC | Colour |
CU Nick Xenophon being interviewed for Stateline seen on the television in the station's Green Room watched by No Pokies' Mike and Ian Horne. MS TV journalist and Xenophon and Margot McGregor debating pokies issue. GS off-air banter between interviewer and interviewees. MS Xenophon debriefing with Mike post interview, walking down corridor.
Access No. 134075 | 3 mins 36 secs | 1990s | Adelaide, SA, Australia | © ABC/ NFSA | Colour |