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Australia Makes Aircraft
Looks at the manufacture of military aircraft in Australia, specifically the Mirage supersonic fighter.
Year :
1967 |
Total Duration :
21 Minutes |
Producer :
Malcolm Otton
Director :
Richard Mitchell |
Mirage fighter over camera. Mirage landing with parachute. Atar engine being removed from Mirage supersonic fighter in Department of Supply hangar. VS men casting engine compressor unit, freeing it from mould, milling it then inspecting under ultraviolet light. VS turbine blades being forged. CU fluid level measure. Compressor blades being forged. CUs machinery. Optical checks of blades. Parts being weighed, CU scales reading. Blades being assembled in ring by hand. Compressor casing being joined followed by combustion chamber and central casting. VS rotor assembly and testing. Gear box assembly, engine assembly and testing. CU stop watch and VS clocks. Zoom out from completed engine. WS fuselage at Fishermen's Bend. VS assembly, several men moulding canopy. Women polishing windscreens. VS testing and installation of wiring. Construction of wind and fin, completed fin in test jig. Very good industry shots.
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Access No. 148420 | 9 mins 35 secs | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
VS aircraft wings and fuselages being connected at Avalon factory. Cyrano nose being attached to jet, CUs landing wheel folding into undercarriage. VS shock cone testing, inspector in cockpit, wings. Pilot taking Mirage fighter for test flight, accompanied on tarmac by 4WD, preparing for take-off. VS aircraft design team, designers drawing plans, using slide rules, computer printouts. Scale model in wind tunnel. Man in wooden mock-up testing cockpit layout. WS target aircraft Jindivik wheeled from hangar. VS Jindivik assembly. CUs telemetry channels. WS track Ikara antisubmarine rocket taking off from runway and being launched from sea. VS chemical machining, fibreglass wings and fin being made. VS testing of missile. Naval helicopter arriving at hangar, VS several mechanics working on it. Good CUs rotor blade being tested, CUs pressure measure. High shot Macchi jet trainer being assembled. VS other RAAF aircraft. Mirage fighter taking off in heat haze. Very good industry shots.
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Access No. 148491 | 10 mins 1 sec | 1960s | Australia | © NFSA | Colour |
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