Title Details

HNL 1441 : Mawson Expedition to the Antarctic 1911 - 14

An account of Australia's first expedition to the Antarctic continent.
Year : 1961 | Total Duration : 9 Minutes | Producer : Frank Bagnall
Exploration sailing ship Aurora at dock, tackle on deck, equipment in warehouse next to ship, loading stores & equipment on ship, people on dock, wharf , two officers on Aurora, women & man on dock , launching boat with girls watching, storage of supplies on wharf, men walking along rigging on mast, large crowd farewelling boat, good pan of crew, officer and man on board (1911 to 1914). Same footage on HNL 1234
Access No. 42390 | 1 min 48 secs | 1910s | Antarctica | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Crowds milling around wharf and dockside of Queens Pier to farewell Aurora sailing ship on Antarctic expedition, POV of boat leaving departing wharf and crowd waving goodbye. Aurora passes warship in harbour , Captain' at the wheel on the bridge, VS rigging, rough seas, S.Y. Aurora life bouy, penguins on shore, men hauling boat ashore, seals playing on waters edge, sea lion and seals amongst seaweed, (1911 to 1914)
Access No. 42391 | 1 min 50 secs | 1910s | Antarctica | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Man on board Aurora exploration ship with husky dogs, CU on dog's face, high angle shot of bow of ship crushing ice, Captain's bridge and pan along cliffs of ice or icebergs. Penguins a,amongst rocks with cliffs of ice in distance. Aurora boat moored. (1911 to 1914)
Access No. 42392 | 1 min 50 secs | 1910s | Antarctica | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |