Title Details

Inland with Sturt

The reenactment for the Commonwealth Jubilee Celebrations for the historic journey of the explorer, Charles Sturt down the Murrumbidgee and Murray Rivers.
Year : 1952 | Total Duration : 16 Minutes | Producer : Shan Benson
Director : Hugh McInnes |
Map of Australia.1951 of re-enactment of the 1830 Charles Sturt expedition into the interior sponsored by the ABC, Department of the Army and Jubilee Arts Committees Charles Sturt and George MacLeay mounting horses, other men standing beside whaling boat mounted on horse drawn wagon. Expedition proceeds cross country. Crew launching boat into Murrumbidgee River, men in rowing boat. Dinghy sinking with supplies, men on boat, man dives into water, drawing map of explorer's route,men rowing. Aborigines with body paint and spears on river bank, boat pulls into river bank, man jumps ashore to secure boat, expedition meet with Aboriginal men; Aboriginal men feel Sturt's face and beard, boat continues down river. Officer wearing helmet with brass strap under chin, Aboriginal men with painted bodies, on river bank, Sturt holding compass, boat midstream with Union Jack flag flying, Raising sails, Aborigines with painted faces, man on look out in tree. Officer making relief map in sand.
Access No. 39929 | 10 mins 32 secs | 1950s | Murrumbidgee River, NSW, Australia; Murray River, SA, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Boat on river, expanse of river with cliffs on far bank, men in boat, route of journey on map, river opens to lake, boat sailing on lake, flock of seagulls in flight over water, Charles Sturt and George MacLeay on sand dunes to beach, at mouth of the Murray River. Swirling white water down a gorge. Irrigation channels, farmer shovelling soil in orchard; horse drawn cart in orchard, picking fruit, spray irrigation in field, sheep grazing on river bank, country town, Mannum, on the Murray River. Main street of Mildura, paddle-steamer down the Murray River.
Access No. 39940 | 4 mins 15 secs | 1950s | Murray River, SA, Australia; Mannum, Mildura, SA, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |