Title Details

How Science Uses One Plant to Protect Another

Shows how the tobacco plant is used in the manufacture of nicotine sulphate.
Series : Australian Diary | Episode : 7 | Year : 1947 | Total Duration : 3 Minutes |
Director : Jack S Allan |
WS of tobacco plantation. This particular tobacco plant is unsuitable for smoking and used in the manufacture of nicotine sulphate. CU of farmers preparing to pick the leaves. Tobacco plants are collected on racks and transported on tractors to drying kilns. Dry leaves are fed into a grinder. Unidentified liquid is added to assist in the extraction of the nicotine sulphate. Liquid sulphate poured into tins. Farmers feed to sheep and cattle to eradicate parasites. Farmer sprays fruit trees to sustain the soil. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 20226 | 2 mins 6 secs | 1940s | Victoria, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |