Title Details

The story of Bernabe Buscayno, alias Kommanda Dante, a legendary figure who has devoted his life to the struggle for a free Philippines.
Year : 1989 | Total Duration : 60 Minutes | Producer : Cecil Holmes
Director : Graham Chase |
Bernabe Buscayno (Kommando Dante) talking with other men. Boys playing a game of basketball. Buffalo eating grass in a field. Cinematographer Kerry Brown filming at the People's Livelihood Foundation. Farmers leading a buffalo-drawn cart over paddy fields.
Ka Eddie, a New People's Army comrade of Dante's, sitting at a store. Landscape views of farm land. Local farmers of the People's Livelihood Foundation, packing rice into sacks. Local farmers of the People's Livelihood Foundation, packing rice into sacks. Local farmers of the People's Livelihood Foundation, packing rice into sacks.
Men carrying an image of a Catholic saint during a village ceremony. Motor vehicles on a street in Tarlac. Motor vehicles on a street in Tarlac. Procession of nuns and young men carrying images of Jesus and a large cross. Sound recordist Rodney Simmons, recording at the People's Livelihood Foundation.
Two girls watching a horse and cart travel down a road. Young Filipino boy sitting on a buffalo. Young Filipino boy sitting on a buffalo.