Title Details

Port Moresby is Gem of the South Pacific

A look at Port Moresby, the commercial and administration centre of Papua New Guinea.
Series : Australian Colour Diary | Episode : 3 | Year : 1957 | Total Duration : 3.5 Minutes |
Director : Jack S Allan |
Indigenous people walking through palm trees, sea behind. Ship Oronsay in Port Moresby harbour, indigenous people in canoes beside ship, visitors looking over deck railings throwing money for indigenous people to dive for. Australian administrator Sir Donald Cleland posing for camera with dog looking out to harbour. Port Moresby, street, traffic policeman. Group of indigenous children looking at camera. Outrigger canoes with sails. Traditional dancing in costume including large headdress. Non Indigenous couple look across Owen Stanley Ranges. War graves, non indigenous visitors walk around cemetery. Indigenous and non indigenous people at memorial service, wreath laying, salute and military band.
Access No. 40492 | 3 mins 39 secs | 1950s | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | Colour |