Title Details

Scientists Study Land Wild Life in Arnhem Land

A scientific expedition to Arnhem Land to interview and record the Indigenous people of the area and study local wildlife.
Series : Australian Diary | Episode : 25 | Year : 1949 | Total Duration : 3 Minutes | Producer : Jack S Allan
Scientists of the Arnhem Land Expedition, including anthropologist , Frank Setzler conducted by the Department of Information and the National Geographic Society of America with a group of Aboriginal men walk over rocky landscape, row rubber dinghy and wade through water in search of specimens from East Alligator River at Oenpelli / Gunbalanya. Scientist prepares pelican for preservation in a museum. Aboriginal man with Old Man turtle covered in barnacles at waters edge. Hermit crab makes its way in to sea snail's shell.
Access No. 25219 | 53 secs | 1940s | East Alligator River, Oenpelli , Gunbalanya. , NT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
At Jabiru, NT, Biochemist Kelvin Hodges at work with test tubes in tent laboratory with Aboriginal young male assistant. American Anthropologist Dr Frank Settler with Aboriginal assistant sift dirt in search of Aboriginal artefacts. Dr Settler crawls under crevice of rock where human skeleton lies. He inspects the skull and jaw bone. At Oenpelli / Gunbalanya (NT) Margaret MacCarthur, nutritionist from the Institute of Anatomy in Canberra walks through swamp area with Aboriginal women and child. Pet emu follows the group. They sit together on sandy shore.
Access No. 25231 | 1 min 16 secs | 1940s | Jabiru, Oenpelli, Gunbalanya, Arnhem Land, NT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
In Western Arnhem Land, possibly Croker Island / Minjilang (NT) or Goulburn Islands / Warruwi (NT) Colin Simpson, feature writer from the Australian Broadcasting Commission with a portable recorder in hand interviews Narrawana (phonetic) about hunting while other Aboriginal men look on. They are amused when the interview is played back to them. Group of Aboriginal men and children sit under trees near the coast. The expeditions interpreter, Nangapeanga (phonetic) makes a miniature dugout canoe while his baby son sits by his side. Canoe is tested out on water.
Access No. 25240 | 52 secs | 1940s | Croker Island, Minjilang, Western Arnhem Land, Gouldburn Islands, Warruwi, NT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
CU of three young Aboriginal children. VS little children dance and clap while didgeridoo is played. In NorthEast Arnhem Land, either at beach at Yirrkala Mission (NT) or at Cape Shield / Djarrakpi (NT) a group of Yolngu Yirritja Aboriginal man prepare for a corroboree. Narritjin Maymuru speaks with non indigenous scientist, presents message stick for scientist's sick father. The men dance at corroboree.
Access No. 25253 | 50 secs | 1940s | North East Arnhem Land, NT, Australia | © Restricted Access - Contact Film Australia Collection Library | B&W |
Nangapeanga (phonetic) plays didgeridoo as young boys dance next to him. Group of young children on sand clap their hands and dance to the rhythm of the didgeridoo and Aboriginal men perform a traditional dance accompanied by the didgeridoo.
Access No. 124164 | 31 secs | 1940s | Western Arnhem Land, NT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |