Title Details

Advance Australia

An overview of Australia in 1951.
Year : 1951 | Total Duration : 19 Minutes |
Titles. Map of Australia, waves crashing, breaking against base of cliff, Aboriginal man with spear on rock over looking river, gum trees, group of and single kangaroo, emu, slow flowing river, forest, Snowy Mountains snow fields, mountain stream, arid plain with mountain range, gibber plain, emus on plain , tidal river bank. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40497 | 2 mins 10 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Stockman on horse, herding cattle. Flock of sheep rounded up by stock man on horse back, prospector panning for gold. Bullock team hauling logs through rainforest. Station homestead, property owner's wife and Aboriginal woman. Young man on horseback, stockmen sitting drinking tea in front of tent shading wagon, stockmen relaxing, stockman on horse pulling sheep out of mud, stockman and sheep in dust storm, burnt forest, burnt out timber camp. Cows coming in from milking in heavy rain, milk churns loaded on truck. Rain hitting dry earth, flooded yards, washing in rags on lines in very high wind. Axeman cutting into trunk of tree for timber. Two axemen cutting down tree, tree falls, miner drilling hole in rock face with hand drill, miners at pithead, filing into elevator cage, miners riding at front of coal train underground. Stockman herding cattle, stockman herding sheep through dry gully, includes Aboriginal stockman, sheep shearing in shed. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40498 | 2 mins 24 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Wheat harvest, McCormick Deering harvester though wheat field, bagging wheat. Picking fruit and cabbages, cutting bananas, carrying bunches on shoulders, men working cane cutting by hand, irrigation, spray irrigation of fruit orchards, channels with deathbridge wheels, ditches between fruit trees, grape picking. Cows coming home through fields. Men loading milk churns into truck. Truck loaded with wool bales leaving property. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40502 | 1 min 14 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Steam train towards camera, Milk trucks on road. Fruit and vegitable trucks unloaded at markets. High angle shot over piers/wharves west of Harbour Bridge, ocean liner on Sydney harbour, cargo ship at wharf, Sydney Harbour Bridge from North Sydney, looking towards city, children watching ferry under bridge. Sydney, city street. Melbourne city street with traffic and tram, St. Kilda Road, wide tree lined street with tram. Brisbane Town Hall, typical Queenslander weatherboard home on stilts. Hobart to Mount Wellington Salamanca Place. Adelaide church, city buildings Perth over park to tall city buildings main street in city centre. Canberra h/a pan over city, Parliament House, Government buildings. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40505 | 1 min 37 secs | 1950s | Sydney, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Canberra Government buildings, Sydney busy street scene, including trams and crowds of pedestrians, policeman directing traffic, traffic jam, men talking to policeman, crowds crossing street from railway station. Train pulling in at Central Station Sydney (suburban red rattler). Passengers ignoring No Exit sign out of station, man parking car in no parking zone. Man in Sydney Domain Speaker's Corner on step ladder talking making speech, various people picnic in park and enjoying outdoors including little girl chasing birds, older woman holding sun umbrella girl reading on steps of NSW State Library. Couple walking along banks of the Yarra River, two men walking in grounds of large building. War Memorials Sydney and Canberra. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40509 | 1 min 46 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Steel works, various stages of steel manufacture, making and handling steel, men shovelling, one wipes brow. Ship building, deck under construction, man working rivetting steel plates together. Gang hammering hull of ship, ship down slipway into water. Men working welders constructing trams, trains, cars and aircraft, small aircraft with propellers on nose and wings taxies towards camera. Glass making. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40513 | 1 min 51 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Men working with machines, women working wool processing, carding machines, hanks and balls of wool weaving mill interior, women working looms. Industrial union meeting. Woman working in laboratory, placing droplets on glass slides, man working adjusting dials and checking wave form monitor. Science students in class listening to lecture, students walking among University Buildings, Australian National University under construction,exterior State Library of NSW, various people taking books from book shelves. Children using council mobile library truck. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40515 | 1 min 51 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Crowds enjoying outdoor concert, orchestra playing in band shell. Students with various arts, musicians practicing, sculptors, painters in art class painting from life model. Painting by Australian artist. Modern ballet being performed (Corroboree). Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40518 | 1 min 19 secs | 1950s | Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Jockeys training horses, trainer watching with stop watch in hand, people watching cricket match in local field, cricket match at show ground, Don Bradman coming out to bat. Australian rules football, crowds. Girls in strapless one piece swimming costumes running along waters edge at Bondi beach, family under umbrella listening to radio, girls coming down beach to camera, Three girls lying under beach umbrella, boys in waves breaking on rock shelf, girls watch from top of rocks, surfing on wooden boards. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40519 | 1 min 58 secs | 1950s | Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |
Doctor examining Papua New Guinean man , Australian woman with Papua New Guinean women sorting through food, Australian woman making notes. Antarctica, boat in front of high snow covered mountain. Proceedings of the United Nations. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40521 | 24 secs | 1950s | Papua New Guinea | © NFSA | B&W |
Architect on building site, scientist, men working. Air traffic controller. surveyor, bulldozer tractor building front of Canberra Parliament House, Government officials looking on. Immigrants arriving by ship, w/s liner, men coming down gangplank. Plough in field with group of men following behind, contour ploughing. Construction work, land clearing, blasting etc. for Snowy Mountain Scheme. Railway fettlers laid, construction workers and equipment, construction of runway, train to camera, housing construction builders working on suburban houses and flats, men working on tall city buildings. Opening pipes for Snowy Mountain scheme, water spraying from pipe, farmer at Dethbridge wheel on dairy farm, water gushing from pipe, electrical substation lines, dam construction, men working pouring concrete, towering dam wall, electric power station. Quicktime clip available.
Access No. 40523 | 2 mins 27 secs | 1950s | Canberra, ACT, Australia | © NFSA | B&W |