Title Details

Careering into Marriage

Emphasises the importance of career planning for girls.
Series : Working | Episode : 2 | Year : 1979 | Total Duration : 16 Minutes | Producer : Robin Hughes
Director : Susan Doring |
Two women walking along city street then entering office building and into lift. Two women standing at office clock in system discussing work hours. Women sitting at desks in open office doing various tasks such as answering phones, typing and looking through piles of paperwork. Voice over of woman discussing lack of qualifications and boredom with office work.
Access No. 135976 | 2 mins 2 secs | 1970s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
Track following woman, Monique, leaving her boss' office and entering her own with her voice over detailing what her work means to her and discussing her de facto relationship. GS writing on whiteboard and scheduling events on wall planner with co-worker. CU Monique on phone discussing Women at Work workshop to caller. Zoom out from Monique chairing meeting and pan along attendees. VS women giving opinions and telling their stories.
Access No. 135977 | 3 mins 27 secs | 1970s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS office worker in open plan office taking telephone calls, another flicking through file of paper and CU woman dialling phone with pencil. CU's woman doodling on pad whilst on phone, tapping pen then hanging up and looking bored. CUs of women in 'Women at Work' workshop discussing importance of training. CUs office workers in toilets applying make-up in front of mirror and discussing weddings.
Access No. 135978 | 2 mins 31 secs | 1970s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS friends from office looking at gowns on mannequins in wedding shop window. The two woman looking at rings through glass window then in shop trying rings on. Woman back in office with drawings of ring on pad discussing the design with co-worker. Cut to 'Women at Work' workshop with leader and participants discussing the realities of the need for women to work during marriage.
Access No. 135979 | 1 min 54 secs | 1970s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS of woman in library fetching books for her boyfriend as he works. Cut to 'Women at Work' workshop with speaker expressing concern for woman settling for menial work. VS woman in kitchen with her boyfriend's mother then helping her serve spaghetti bolognaise to family around table.
Access No. 135980 | 2 mins 55 secs | 1970s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |
VS of engagement party with couple exchanging rings behind table with cake in front of guests. MS couple entwining arms to drink wine then cutting three tier cake. CU ring and VS of guests and their children. The male partner makes short thank you speech.
Access No. 135981 | 2 mins 3 secs | 1970s | Australia | © Contact Film Australia Collection Library | Colour |